We are currently compiling a list of the most interesting and powerful ways to get involved in climate change movement, which we'll be releasing soon. In the meantime, we’ve provided a sampling of some of these opportunities below.
If you have any suggestions, please email us.
1. Sign up with 350.org to take part in the offline International Day of Climate Action: www.350.org
2. Join the fight for climate justice and help build the biggest human clock of all time to represent the urgency of the climate crisis: www.timeforclimatejustice.org
3. Put yourself on the Vote Earth map and upload your photos, pictures and weblinks to show the world future you want to see: www.earthhour.org/home
4. Get informed by visiting the 100 Places to Remember Before they Disappear online exhibit: www.100places.com
Have your own to add? Email us now.
:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::
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