weLCome to iKainheRe's hOmepaGe

Open youR mind and iMpROve youR LiFe............
Get infoRmation about aLL heRe.

oPen YouR minD

Jika diRimu tak mampu menJadi beRingin, yanG teGak di kaki bukit,
JadiLah saJa beLukaR yanG teRbaik, yanG tumbuh di tepi danau . . . . .
Jika diRimu tak sanGGup menJadi beLukaR, JadiLah saJa Rumput,
tetapi Rumput yanG mempeRkuat tanGGuL, di pinGGiRan JaLan . . . .
Jika diRimu tak mampu menJadi JaLan Raya, JadiLah saJa JaLan setapak,
tetapi JaLan setapak yanG membawa oRanG ke mata aiR . . .
tidak semua menJadi kapten
tentu haRus aDa awak kapaLnYa . . .
JadiLah saJa diRimu .......... be yOuR seLf..
sebaik-baik daRi diRimu sendiRi ^_^

iKainheRe Tells About Her Self

Kenalin, gw Ika. iKainheRe Just the same with another women. iKainheRe
Hanya ajja gw suka banget bikin orang senyum, ketawa, dengan hidangan yang gw suguhkan.
Gw sangat menghargai preferen, pendapat, masukan, kritikan, tapi bukan menjudge. iKainheRe
iKainheReJust be my self. Dengan style, brave life, color friends, and dunia gw.iKainheRe
iKainheRe Menjadi seorang penulis yang brave, eksis, dan stylish itu gga gampang, semua dari nol. Contemplative comedy gw pilih buat mewakili apa yang pengen gw sampaikan.
Komedi selalu bisa mengungkapkan apa yang tak bisa kita pahami. iKainheRe
Seperti kata Moliere, “The duty of comedy is to correct men by amusing them.” iKainheRe
Banyak orang yang bilang, penulis yang baik adalah penulis yang punya referensi yang banyak, menurut gw itu bener. Banyak-banyaklah nonton film dan baca buku.
Penulis yang baik juga akan selalu mengadopsi dan mempelajari, tapi tidak pernah mencuri.iKainheRe
Mudah-mudahan gw bisa iKainheRe

Januari 24, 2009

Mendapatkan bayaran untuk blogging?

Apakah Anda mendapatkan bayaran untuk blogging? or getting penalized by google for posting paid reviews? mendapatkan atau dikenakan sanksi oleh google for posting dibayar review?
It is now official that google is taking action against sites/blogs with paid posts/reviews. Sekarang resmi bahwa google adalah mengambil tindakan terhadap situs / blog dengan dibayar posting / review.

Bloggers and Site Owners who were members of "Paid for Blogging" sites such as PayPerPost.com , Smorty.com , SponsoredReviews etc. Pemilik Situs dan blogger yang menjadi anggota "Dibayar untuk Blogging" situs seperti PayPerPost.com, Smorty.com, SponsoredReviews dll must have noticed that their google PageRank has been reduced to 0. harus menyadari bahwa mereka google PageRank telah dikurangi menjadi 0.

Google's official statement in its webmaster guidelines says: Google pernyataan resmi dalam panduan webmaster mengatakan:

"Buying or selling links that pass PageRank is in violation of Google's webmaster guidelines and can negatively impact a site's ranking in search results." "Membeli atau menjual link yang lulus PageRank merupakan pelanggaran Google webmaster pedoman dan dapat berdampak negatif terhadap ranking situs dalam hasil pencarian."

The guidelines add that not all paid links violate their guidelines, since "Buying and selling links is a normal part of the economy of the web when done for advertising purposes, and not for manipulation of search results" Panduan menambahkan bahwa tidak semua link mereka melanggar pedoman, sejak "Membeli dan menjual link biasa adalah bagian dari perekonomian di web bila dilakukan untuk tujuan periklanan, dan bukan untuk memanipulasi hasil pencarian"

It recommends that the links purchased for advertising should be designated as such. Merekomendasikan link yang dibeli untuk iklan harus ditunjuk sebagai demikian. This can be done in several ways, such as Adding a rel="nofollow" attribute to the (a) tag "(The most preferred method in blogs) or Redirecting the links to an intermediate page that is blocked from search engines with a robots.txt file. Ini dapat dilakukan dalam beberapa cara, seperti Menambahkan rel = "nofollow" atribut untuk tag (a) "(metode yang paling disukai di blog) atau Sedang dialihkan ke salah satu link antara halaman yang diblokir dari mesin pencari dengan robot . txt file.

If a blog/site has lost its PageRank and wants to get it back then it has to comply with the google webmaster guidelines by using the above mentioned recommended practices. Jika blog / situs telah kehilangan PageRank dan ingin mendapatkannya kembali, maka harus sesuai dengan panduan google webmaster dengan menggunakan direkomendasikan praktek yang disebutkan di atas. Once that's done, you can follow Matt Cutt's advice and read the Official Google Webmaster blog which suggests : Setelah selesai, Anda dapat mengikuti Matt Cutt nasihat dan membaca blog resmi Google Webmaster yang menunjukkan:

"The site owner can address the violations of the webmaster guidelines and submit a reconsideration request in Google’s Webmaster Central console. Before doing a reconsideration request, please make sure that all sold links either do not pass PageRank or are removed" "Para pemilik situs dapat mengatasi pelanggaran terhadap pedoman webmaster dan menyerahkan kembali permintaan di Google Webmaster Central konsol. Sebelum melakukan permintaan kembali, pastikan semua link yang dijual secara tidak lulus PageRank atau dibuang"


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Shoutbox untuk Blogger

Apa yang dingin dari sebuah buku tamu, chatting, dan buletin board? It's a Shoutbox from MyShoutBox.com It's a Shoutbox dari MyShoutBox.com

This is a feature packed free service for blogs and websites. Ini merupakan fitur layanan gratis dikemas untuk blog dan website. Here's a list of features that MyShoutBox.com offers Berikut adalah daftar fitur yang menawarkan MyShoutBox.com

You can add this shoutbox to your blogger blogs after an easy and fast registration process. Anda dapat menambahkan Shoutbox ini ke blog Anda setelah blogger yang mudah dan cepat proses pendaftaran. After Registration you are given a ID/Password, with which you have to login to access your shoutbox management area. Setelah Pendaftaran anda diberikan ID / Password, dengan mana Anda harus masuk log untuk dapat mengakses Shoutbox pengelolaan kawasan. Select the link " Code Generation " and set the options for your shoutbox( or leave the default settings, you can always change that later! ) and click " Generate Code ". Pilih link "Kode Generation" dan mengatur pilihan Anda Shoutbox (atau keluar dari pengaturan default, Anda selalu dapat mengubah yang kemudian!) Dan klik "Buat Kode".

Classic templates users of blogger can copy-paste the HTML code into their template. Pengguna template klasik blogger bisa copy-paste kode HTML ke dalam template mereka. XML Blogger users see this post on How to add HTML/JavaScript to Blogger . XML Blogger pengguna ini dikirim pada Bagaimana untuk menambahkan HTML / JavaScript ke Blogger.


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Bagaimana menambahkan HTML / Script untuk blogger

Pengguna blogger (XML LAYOUTS) dapat dengan mudah menambahkan HTML atau kode JavaScript ke blogger blog mereka. Here are the instructions to add HTML/Scripts to your blog : Berikut adalah petunjuk untuk menambahkan HTML / Script ke blog Anda:

Firstly, login to your blogger account, go to your dashboard and click the "Manage : Layout" link of your blog. Pertama, login ke account blogger Anda, masuk ke dashboard, dan klik "Kelola: Layout" link blog Anda. make sure you are on the "page elements" sub-tab, where you can easily add and arrange page elements. pastikan Anda berada pada "elemen halaman" sub-tab, dimana anda dapat dengan mudah menambah dan menyusun elemen halaman.

You are now going to add a page element, so click the link "Add a Page Element" Anda sekarang akan menambahkan elemen halaman, maka klik link "Tambahkan Elemen Halaman"

From the popup that appears, click on the "Add To Blog" button under HTML/JavaScript Dari popup yang muncul, klik "Tambahkan Ke Blog" di bawah tombol HTML / JavaScript

This will open a final popup where you paste your code(HTML or JavaScript) under the "content" textarea. Ini akan membuka sebuah popup akhir di mana Anda sisipkan kode (HTML atau JavaScript) yang di bawah "isi" textarea. Give it a title on the title textbox and click the button to "save changes" Beri judul pada judul textbox dan klik tombol untuk "menyimpan perubahan"

AddThis Social Bookmark Button

2 Comments: 2 Komentar:

At 14.11.08 , Di 14.11.08, Blogger ~ said... ~ Mengatakan ...

i don't get any choice for html or javascript, i only get a choice of widgets or mess with my template html. i don't get any pilihan html atau javascript, saya hanya mendapatkan pilihan widget atau mess dengan template html. there is no popup box for inputting html for a paypal button code. tidak ada popup kotak untuk memasukkan html untuk tombol paypal kode.

At 30.12.08 , Di 30.12.08, Blogger Bill Hung said... Bill Hung mengatakan ...

same here. sama di sini. How to add html/javascript now? Bagaimana menambahkan html / javascript sekarang? And how do I know if I am using classic template or xml template? Dan bagaimana cara mengetahui jika saya menggunakan template klasik atau template xml?


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Seven Steps of Installation Langkah-langkah Instalasi dari tujuh

1. Download the zipped file and unzip the files to your folder on your hard disk. Download zip file dan unzip file ke folder pada hard disk.

2. Sign up for an account for free image hosting services. Mendaftar untuk sebuah account gratis layanan hosting gambar. I recommend http://photobucket.com/ Saya sarankan http://photobucket.com/

3. Look in the folder where you unzipped the archive, there must be a "images" subdirectory. Lihatlah dalam folder di mana Anda unzipped arsip, harus ada sebuah "gambar" subdirektori. There are 7 image files in that directory, upload all the files and Use the original filenames when uploading. Ada 7 file gambar dalam direktori tersebut, meng-upload semua file dan Gunakan asli ketika meng-upload file.

4. Open the template in a text editor and search for this piece of the code snippet. Buka template dalam editor teks dan mencari ini bagian dari potongan kode.
/* image config starts */ / * Gambar konfigurasi mulai * /
#headerimg # headerimg
{ (
background: url("http://i.photobucket.com/23/23/2/header.jpg"); background: url ( "http://i.photobucket.com/23/23/2/header.jpg");
} )
#topframe # topframe
{ (
background: url("http://i.photobucket.com/23/23/2/top_frame.gif"); background: url ( "http://i.photobucket.com/23/23/2/top_frame.gif");
} )
.leftside . leftside
{ (
background: url("http://i.photobucket.com/23/23/2/l_sideplank.gif"); background: url ( "http://i.photobucket.com/23/23/2/l_sideplank.gif");
} )
.rightside . rightside
{ (
background: url("http://i.photobucket.com/23/23/2/r_sideplank.gif"); background: url ( "http://i.photobucket.com/23/23/2/r_sideplank.gif");
} )
#leftcorner # leftcorner
{ (
background: url("http://i.photobucket.com/23/23/2/leftcorner.gif"); background: url ( "http://i.photobucket.com/23/23/2/leftcorner.gif");
} )

#rightcorner # rightcorner
{ (
background: url("http://i.photobucket.com/23/23/2/rightcorner.gif"); background: url ( "http://i.photobucket.com/23/23/2/rightcorner.gif");
} )
.bottomplank . bottomplank
{ (
background: url("http://i.photobucket.com/23/23/2/l_bottomplank.gif"); background: url ( "http://i.photobucket.com/23/23/2/l_bottomplank.gif");
} )

/* image config ends */ / * Gambar konfigurasi berakhir * /

5. copy the url of the image(header.jpg) from photobucket.com and paste the url into the copy url dari gambar (header.jpg) dari photobucket.com dan paste url ke dalam
template file, you have to paste the url in the portion which I have highlighted in red here. File template, anda harus sisipkan url dalam porsi yang telah disorot dalam warna merah di sini.

#headerimg # headerimg
{ (
background: url(" http://i.photobucket.com/23/23/2/header.jpg "); background: url ( "http://i.photobucket.com/23/23/2/header.jpg");
} )

Repeat the process for remaining six images. Ulangi proses untuk sisa enam gambar.

6. Log into your blogger account and select the blog that you want to modify. Login ke blogger account dan pilih blog yang ingin Anda ubah. Go to the template tab and highlight all the code and replace the code with the new template file code by pasting the entire code into the template code box. Menuju ke template tab dan menyorot semua kode dan ganti dengan kode template baru file kode oleh sisipkan seluruh kode ke dalam template kode kotak.

7. Log into your adsense account, select the 250x250 format ads and copy its code. Masuk ke account adsense anda, pilih format iklan 250x250 dan salin kode-nya.
Search the template for a piece of text which reads [INSERT ADSENSE CODE HERE]. Paste your adsense code to replace the text. Cari template untuk bagian teks yang dibaca [MASUKKAN KODE ADSENSE DI SINI]. Sisipkan kode adsense Anda untuk menggantikan teks.
save and republish your blog menyimpan dan republish blog Anda


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

XML baru masalah layout browser

Blogger yang telah mengkonfirmasikan bahwa tim baru "drag dan drop" layout tidak berfungsi dengan safari. It works with opera with some minor glitches. Ia bekerja sama dengan opera dengan beberapa Glitches kecil. So, Safari users have to use the classic templates. Jadi, Safari pengguna harus menggunakan template klasik. To use the newer XML Layouts of blogger Firefox or Internet Explorer 6 or higher is required. Untuk menggunakan XML Layouts baru dari blogger Firefox atau Internet Explorer 6 atau lebih tinggi diperlukan.
See the post here . Lihat posting di sini.

Labels: Layout Problems Label: Layout Masalah

- by designeXperts | 3:10 AM - Oleh designeXperts | 3:10
4 Comments: 4 Komentar:

Blogger No Name said... Tanpa Nama berkata ...

Hey, where did you get this template from? Hey, dimana anda dapatkan dari template ini? I would like to have too. Saya mau juga.
6:38 AM 6:38
Blogger Webmaster said... Webmaster mengatakan ...

This template is my own private creation. Template ini adalah saya sendiri pribadi penciptaan. It is not yet ready for download. Karena belum siap untuk didownload. You can download my other template that I have put up for download. Anda dapat men-download template saya yang lain bahwa saya telah menempatkan diri untuk men-download.
11:36 PM 11:36
Anonymous Addicted to your Blog said... Addicted to Blog Anda mengatakan ...

Hi, Hai,

I wish to enquire if you undertake poject work on a freelance basis? Saya ingin menanyakan jika Anda melakukan poject bekerja pada dasar freelance?
10:31 PM 10:31
Blogger Webmaster said... Webmaster mengatakan ...

Hello addicted to yourblog, Hello yourblog ketagihan,
Thank you for stopping by. Terima kasih untuk menghentikan oleh. Iam interested in freelancee projects. Iam freelancee tertarik dalam proyek. I will contact you soon. Saya akan segera menghubungi Anda.
8:14 AM 8:14


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Instalasi XML Layouts

1. Right Click "Download" link. Klik kanan "Download" link.
2. From the menu click, Save Target As.. Dari menu klik, Save Target As ..
3. Save it to your desktop. Simpan ke desktop Anda.
4. On your Blogger Dashboard, click Manage: Layout . Pada Dashboard Blogger, klik Manage: Layout.
5. On Template Tab, click Edit HTML SubTab. Pada Tab Template, klik Edit HTML subtab.
6. Backup your template by clicking Download Template . Backup template Anda dengan mengklik Download Template.
7. Now click Browse.. & Select your new layout file. Sekarang klik Browse .. & tata letak Pilih file baru.
8. Click Upload . Klik tombol Upload.


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Mengapa saya mendorong sidebar ke bawah?

Apakah Anda telah mendorong sidebar ke bawah akhir-akhir ini? this is a common problem with "fixed width" layouts on blogs/websites. ini adalah masalah dengan "tetap lebar" layout di blog / website. This problem can occur of one of the following reasons: Masalah ini dapat terjadi salah satu alasan berikut:

A long word or a link on sidebar or "main div"(content div) or J panjang kata atau link pada sidebar atau "div utama" (isi div) atau
an image that is wider than the fixed width of sidebar or main content gambar yang lebih luas dibandingkan dengan lebar tetap sidebar atau konten utama

The "long text" problem usually occurs in IE. The "teks panjang" biasanya terjadi masalah di IE. In order to fix the problem add the following style to your "main div" and sidebar Dalam rangka untuk mengatasi masalah berikut menambahkan gaya Anda "div utama" dan sidebar

word-wrap: break-word; word-wrap: break-kata;
overflow: hidden; overflow: hidden;

As for the Image problem, you will have to resize the image to fit the layout. Adapun masalah gambar, Anda harus mengubah ukuran gambar agar sesuai dengan tata letak.

- by designeXperts | 1:49 AM | 3 comments - Oleh designeXperts | 1:49 PM | 3 comments

Blogger .:Rhea:. said... .: Rhea:. Mengatakan ...

My html text reads: Saya membaca teks html:

#main-wrapper { # main-wrapper (
width: 410px; width: 410px;
float: $startSide; float: $ startSide;
word-wrap: break-word; word-wrap: break-kata;
overflow: hidden; overflow: hidden;
} )

#sidebar-wrapper { # sidebar-wrapper (
width: 220px; width: 220px;
float: $endSide; float: $ endSide;
word-wrap: break-word; word-wrap: break-kata;
overflow: hidden; overflow: hidden;
} )

But I still have a problem with my sidebar being at the bottom. Tapi saya masih ada masalah dengan sidebar yang di bagian bawah. What can I do? Apa yang bisa saya lakukan?
9:39 AM 9:39
Blogger .:Rhea:. said... .: Rhea:. Mengatakan ...

My html text reads: Saya membaca teks html:

#main-wrapper { # main-wrapper (
width: 410px; width: 410px;
float: $startSide; float: $ startSide;
word-wrap: break-word; word-wrap: break-kata;
overflow: hidden; overflow: hidden;
} )

#sidebar-wrapper { # sidebar-wrapper (
width: 220px; width: 220px;
float: $endSide; float: $ endSide;
word-wrap: break-word; word-wrap: break-kata;
overflow: hidden; overflow: hidden;
} )

...but I'm still having a problem with my sidebar being at the bottom of the page. ... tetapi saya masih mengalami masalah dengan sidebar yang di bagian bawah halaman. What can I do?? Apa yang bisa saya lakukan?
9:41 AM 9:41
Blogger Webmaster said... Webmaster mengatakan ...

The code looks okay, Maybe you have a large image on your sidebar or main div which is creating the sidebar to be pushed down. Kode looks okay, Mungkin ada yang besar pada gambar atau sidebar div utama yang membuat sidebar akan mendorong bawah.
7:05 PM 7:05


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Bagaimana menambahkan sebuah header gambar ke blog Anda

Metode ini akan bekerja sama dengan yang baru dan drag drop layout dari blogger. In order to use a header graphic on your blog, you need to have your graphic on your disk or already uploaded somewhere on the web. Untuk menggunakan sebuah header grafis pada blog Anda, Anda perlu memiliki grafis pada disk atau sudah upload suatu tempat di web. Then continue to "manage layouts" option from your "blogger dashboard". Kemudian lanjutkan ke "mengatur layout" pilihan dari "dashboard blogger".

Make sure you are in the "page elements" tab, click to edit your header element. Pastikan Anda berada di "elemen halaman" tab, klik untuk mengedit judul elemen. In the window that pops up, you have to either browse for the image on your disk or insert the full path of the image and click "save changes". Pada jendela yang muncul, Anda harus baik untuk mencari gambar pada disk atau masukkan path lengkap dari gambar dan klik "simpan perubahan".

Click "edit" on the header element again, and choose the option of "Instead of title and description" option and click save changes. Klik "edit" pada header elemen lagi, dan memilih pilihan "Selain judul dan keterangan" dan klik pilihan menyimpan perubahan.

That's all you need to do to have your header image instead of Blog Title and Description. Itu saja yang harus Anda lakukan agar gambar header bukan Judul Blog dan Deskripsi.

- by designeXperts | 2:53 AM | 9 comments - Oleh designeXperts | 2:53 PM | 9 comments

Blogger napaboaniya said... napaboaniya mengatakan ...

Hi! Hai! I've choosen the option -> "Instead of title and description" option and click save changes. Aku telah memilih opsi -> "Selain judul dan keterangan" dan klik pilihan menyimpan perubahan. I see my image under the edits page. Saya melihat gambar saya di bawah suntingan halaman. But even after clicking 'Save settings'. Tetapi bahkan setelah mengklik 'Simpan Pengaturan'. The image still doesn't appear on my main blog page. Gambar masih belum muncul di halaman utama blog. It used to work. Itu digunakan untuk bekerja. Not anymore. Tidak lagi. Please help rectify. Harap membantu membetulkan. Thanks :) Thanks:)
12:48 AM 12:48
Blogger Webmaster said... Webmaster mengatakan ...

@napaboaniya, All the code on your site looks ok to me. @ napaboaniya, Semua kode di situs Anda oke to me. It looks like a temporary problem with blogger. Sepertinya sementara masalah dengan blogger. It's fixed now. It's fixed now.
2:03 AM 2:03
Blogger napaboaniya said... napaboaniya mengatakan ...

Yup, header image has been fixed. Yup, gambar header telah diperbaiki. Still thanks!! Masih thanks! Happy New Year to you :) Selamat Tahun Baru untuk anda:)
2:07 AM 2:07
Blogger Samuel said... Samuel mengatakan ...

how about me? bagaimana tentang saya?

http://hungryforposts.blogspot.com the error's been occuring ever since i've tampered with the template html, my friend has the same problemo...i opened a new google account, same format problem http://hungryforposts.blogspot.com kesalahan telah terjadi sejak itu saya telah dimodifikasi dengan template html, saya memiliki teman yang sama problemo ... i membuka rekening baru google, masalah sama format
5:36 AM 5:36
Blogger Webmaster said... Webmaster mengatakan ...

@Samuel, I don't see much problem with your header image. @ Samuel, saya tidak melihat banyak kendala dengan gambar header. it shows up just fine. ia menunjukkan atas hanya berlaku.
11:36 AM 11:36
Blogger jotter said... buku catatan mengatakan ...

Thanks for your help. Thanks for your help. I uploaded a header for my blog however, it's not centered. Saya upload sebuah judul untuk blog saya Namun, itu tidak terpusat. I edited the css (to center) but, then the original title and description still show up on top of my header. Saya mengedit css (ke pusat), tetapi, maka judul dan keterangan asli masih muncul di atas kepala saya. Can you help? Anda dapat membantu?
10:09 AM 10:09
Blogger Webmaster said... Webmaster mengatakan ...

@jotter, what you can try is removing the default header code from the layout and add the header image using the IMG tag and enclose it in a DIV with it's style set as "text-align:center". @ buku catatan, apa yang dapat Anda coba adalah mengeluarkan standar header dari kode layout dan menambahkan gambar header dengan menggunakan tag IMG dan melampirkan dalam DIV dengan gaya itu ditetapkan sebagai "text-align: center".
Hope that helps :-) Hope that helps :-)
12:19 PM 12:19
Anonymous joey said... joey mengatakan ...

hi erm can u teach me how to change to the blog skins? hi erm u dapat mengajar saya cara mengganti ke blog skins?
i try alot of time and it doesn`t work and say there is xml or somthing ect. i try a lot of time and it doesn `t bekerja dan mengatakan ada xml atau somthing ect.
i really dunno how to make the code balhbalhbalh :( i really dunno bagaimana membuat kode balhbalhbalh: (
11:04 AM 11:04
Blogger Webmaster said... Webmaster mengatakan ...

joey@, Editing a blogskin could have 2 parts, editing graphics and editing the code. @ joey, Mengedit blogskin dapat memiliki 2 bagian, mengedit grafis dan mengedit kode. If you've never programmed in HTML, we recommend that you start learning the basic tags of HTML and learn a few basics of image editing then come back for the tutorials on creating blog skins here. Jika anda tidak pernah diprogram dalam HTML, kami menyarankan Anda mulai mempelajari dasar tag HTML dan mempelajari beberapa dasar-dasar editing gambar kemudian datang kembali untuk tutorial membuat blog pada kulit di sini.
10:28 PM 10:28


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Kembali ke Template Klasik

Artikel ini menganggap anda menggunakan versi beta blogger dengan menarik dan melepas layout dan ingin menggunakan "template kustom yang hanya dapat dilakukan pada" Template Klasik "

Follow the step by step procedures below to Revert To Classic Templates: Ikuti langkah demi langkah prosedur di bawah ini untuk Kembalikan Untuk Template Klasik:

* Log into your blogger dashboard. Masuk ke dashboard blogger Anda.
* Click on the "Manage : Layout" link beside your blog name that is displayed. Klik "Kelola: Layout" link di samping nama blog Anda yang akan ditampilkan.
* Click on "Edit HTML" under "Template" Tab. Klik "Edit HTML" di bawah "Template" Tab.
* To be safe, Under backup/restore template, click Download full template and save it to disk Agar aman, Under cadangan / restore template, klik download full template kemudian simpan ke disk
* Go to the bottom of the page and click "Revert to Classic Templates". Pergi ke bagian bawah halaman dan klik "Kembali ke Template Klasik".

Then Copy-Paste the HTML Template code that you have downloaded, into the textarea and then save & publish to view the changes. Kemudian Copy-Paste kode HTML Template yang sudah di-download, ke textarea dan kemudian menyimpan & mempublikasikan untuk melihat perubahan.


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Going Green?

Here’s some stats and ideas… for example, approximately 30 billion plastic water bottles are sold each year. Only 10% are recycled.
Switch to tap water. Invest in a water purifier. Chill in refrigerator in gallon jugs. Use reusable drinking vessels.

Change your standard light bulbs to energy efficient ones.
Stick to purchasing products that are eco-friendly. Buy products that use recycled containers.
You can actually make money by collecting metal cans and selling them to a local aluminum recycling company—check with your local supplier.

Think about donating some things you may have been thinking of throwing away...old toys, clothes, etc.


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Check the Cart

Beware of little expenses; a small
leak will sink a great ship.
~Benjamin Franklin

BebeRapa waktu kemaRen gw baCa sebuah kisah, yang...menuRut gw sih bisa buat peLaJaRan idup... Coba deh niyh Lw simak aJa.....

As a single mom working several jobs, I accounted for every penny. My son’s needs came first, then the rent and groceries, then the rest of the bills. Every month, I intended to save for that proverbial rainy day, but it just didn’t happen. As frugal as I tried to be, the expense column topped out the income on my monthly budget.

Then one day, I discovered a game I could play to find those extra pennies. I called it my Cart Check game.

Every time I shopped at the big box stores and then rolled my cart toward the check-out line, I looked through my items. Was there something I could do without? That filigreed T-shirt that I was certain would look great with a denim skirt? It was only $4 -- a real bargain -- but couldn’t I do without it? I took it back to the misses section and congratulated myself on saving $4.

The same strategy worked for groceries. Although I followed my list and used coupons, invariably a hunger pang would strike and I would end up with something extra. So I played the Cart Check game. Rolling toward the check-out, I looked through the cart. That package of cookies might be my son’s favorites, but did he really need the extra sugar? Put it back and save $2.98.

As my son grew, we played the game together. Go up and down the aisles and select what we need. Then roll to the check-out and do the Cart Check. My shampoo bottle wasn’t completely empty yet. I could wait another week, dilute it further with water, and maybe find a coupon when it was completely gone. A savings of $3.95.

My son looked through the cart, “Here, Mom. We don’t need this toothpaste.”

“Yes, we do. Every night we brush our teeth. But how about these toy cars? What if we buy only one instead of two?”

“Well, okay.”

I rewarded Chad by giving him the 88 cents we had saved.

Our Cart Check game helped us save each time we shopped and kept us from impulse spending. Gradually, we made it through those hard times, and I raised Chad to consider the importance of saving. We’re both still careful about shopping, and we still use the Cart Check game whenever he visits me and we shop together.

Now that the economy is in a critical state and every penny counts, I’m making a resolution to re-install Cart Check into my weekly shopping. It’s too easy to add an extra lipstick or a new towel to my shopping list, not realizing how much those impulsive choices add to my monthly bills. But this time, I plan to introduce a twist in the game.

After my Cart Check, I’ll add up the amount I’ve saved and put that money in a special account. By the end of the year, I should have a nice sum that I can use for Christmas gifts. Or maybe I’ll give it to another single mom who’s struggling with expenses.

The Cart Check game will then not only help me and leave a legacy for my son, but also help another mother balance her budget and make it to the end of the month.


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Januari 18, 2009

Boom time for Aussie mobile start-up

Australian mobile social networking export mig33 has appointed former Yahoo senior VP Steve Boom to the role of CEO, replacing co-founder Steven Goh.

Goh, a serial Australian entrepreneur who was also behind dotcom online trading company Sanford Securities, will retain an active executive role with the company as executive vice president and member of the board of directors.

The appointment signals the ramp up of mig33 from experimental social media start-up to fully fledged commercial entity. mig33 which was founded in Perth and is now based in Burlingame, California has raised over $10 million in VC Funding from Technology Venture Partners, Accel Ventures, Redpoint Ventures, and $13.5 million from Doll Capital Management and Series A investors. The social media application which allows users to email, send instant messages, create chat rooms, text, have profiles and share photos boasts more than 18 million users in over 200 countries. It uses an Australian developed integrated mobile download application that offers mobile users cheaper VoIP calls and data rates.

In November Mig33 launched a raft on new features including the ability to post status messages, personalize the service with different themes and communicate in six languages - English, Russian, Indonesian, Bengali, Hindi and Chinese. Co- founder and VP Mei Lin Ng said that the overall goal for the next phase of growth is to increase “engagement and stickiness”, which will foster higher ARPU on mig33’s services and mobile content. She added that as mig33's core users are from under developed countries which do not have fixed infrastructure, mig33 was in a comfortable position to weather the economic storm.

“Over the past three years, our company has taken a leadership position amongst mobile communities. Steve’s an outstanding and talented executive. I’m personally excited about working with him to take the company to the next level by creating an exciting and engaging experience for our customers and rewarding outcomes for our partners,” Goh added.

Boom brings over a decade of internet and mobile industry experience to mig33. A ten year veteran of Yahoo he was most recently senior vice president of Yahoo! Inc.’s Connected Life division, holding global responsibility for Yahoo!’s mobile business. Boom first joined Yahoo in London as an early member of the European management team, where he was responsible for building new business models and strategic alliances for Yahoo!’s European operations. Prior to that he was an attorney at Venture Law Group in Silicon Valley, where he advised internet and software start-ups such as WhoWhere?, Moai Technologies and Whistle Communications.

“mig33 has always been at the forefront in bringing the power of communications and community from the Internet to the mobile phone, I am excited to lead mig33 into the future and build on the incredible assets that Steven and the rest of the mig33 team have created,” Boom said


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Mig33 hires CFO

Mig33, a company that operates a social network over mobile phones and other devices, hired David Moore as its chief financial officer.

Moore was previously vice president of finance at Charles Schwab, and also worked at NorthPoint Communications.

The Burlingame company said Moore's hiring was part of its response to its growth.

Mig33 also hired Francis Yu as vice president of engineering and operations, as well as Ken Sandy as vice president of product marketing.

Steven Goh is Mig33's CEO.


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Mig33 gets $13.5M in 2nd round

Social network company mig33 said Tuesday it closed a second round of funding with $13.5 million.

Burlingame-based mig33 said the round was led by Doll Capital Management, which has an office in Menlo Park.

Also participating were first-round funders Accel Partners, which has an office in Palo Alto, and Australia-based Technology Venture Partners.

The company -- a winner of the Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal's November 2007 Emerging Tech awards in the social networking category -- is a unit of Project Goth Pty Ltd. It moved from Australia to Burlingame and said it will use the funding to expand its mobile phone based communications service.

The company said it offers mobile VoIP calls, instant messaging, text messaging and social networking and community features that let users share content while chatting in forums or specific chat rooms they create and share with friends.

Depending on the country being called, mig33 says users can save up to 95 percent on their international calls and roaming costs.


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Hotnews buat eLo daRi FirstNews Briefs

mig33 appointed Steve Boom to the role of CEO. Steven Goh, co-founder and former CEO, will retain an active executive role with the company as executive vice president and member of the board of directors. Boom previously was senior vice president of Yahoo’s Connected Life division, where he had global responsibility for Yahoo!'s mobile business.

FirstNews Briefs for Jan. 15, 2009


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Januari 14, 2009

Balasan email dari contact@mig33.com Jika Diterima Lamaran "Pengen Jadi Admin" yang elo kirim


Thank you for your interest in a Moderator position with mig33.
We are currently looking through the emails we have received and you will be notified soon if we would like to trial you. If you do not hear from us soon, please do not be discouraged as we will keep your email and could possibly call on you at a later date.

If you have any complaints in regards to chat room abuse, please provide us with the offender’s username and details of their inappropriate behavior by emailing us at contact@mig33.com or reply to this email.

To keep updated on the latest at mig33, visit our Wiki What's New http://wiki.mig33.com/?q=node/13

Kind regards,
The mig33 Team

Reminder: mig33 will never ask for your password in chat room or private chat. mig33 is great for making new friends. And your password keeps your profile secure and shouldn't be shared with others. Please do not provide your information to any website that you are not sure about or that you can not verify. If unsure, email contact@mig33.com


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

How to be Mig33 Administrator

Peraturan admin sebagai berikut DILARANG :
1. Mempunyai catatan penyalahgunaan mig33
2. Menyalahgunakan kartu kredit mig33
3. Menjadi kompoltan pencuri account n credit mig33
4. Mempunyai catatan tidak baik yang tidak mungkin untuk memperbaiki catatan tersebut
5. Menjadi anggota pesaing mig33
6. Nick name anda telah dibekukan oleh sistem
7. Pemakai telah menjadi anggota mig33 selama minimal 6 bulan

Rules the admin user must not :
1. Have a history of abusing mig33
2. Transacted a fraudulent credit card in mig33
3. Be affiliate with a ring of users in mig33 that steal money
4. Have a bad behavior track record in mig33 that cannot be rectified
5.Be affiliated with a comprtitor company
6. A user already banned in the system
7. User must be with mig33 for more than 6 months

Peraturan setelah menjadi admin sebagai berikut :
1. Online minimal 3 kali dalam seminggu untuk melakukan pengawasan dalam chat rum minimal 3 jam
2. Memberikan peringatan kepada user yang tidak baik, apabila user tidak dapat di ajak kompromi, admin dapat mengambil tindakan.
3. Bersikap profesional dan ramah

After approval of an admin The new administrator may have a new mig33 administrator account created by a developer of mig33. The admin must do the following :
1. Login at least three times a week to monitor mig33 for at least three hours in a chat room
2. Warn of bad behaviorto a user and if the user does not cooperate , the admin can ban.
3. Keep a profesional and relatively friendly manner

admin dapat diberhentikan karena hal sebagai berikut :
1. Bertindak sewenang - wenang terhadap user lain.
2. Mengucapkan kata kata yang tak baik dalam chat rum
3. Menjadi provokator di dalam chat rum
4. Berperasangka buruk kepada user lainnya.

An administrator maybe demoted if any of the following rules is broken :
1. Ban users recklessly or without reason
2. Spread profanity in chat rooms
3. Encourage bad behavior in chat rooms
4. User is biased in chat rooms
5. The administrator/s behavior is detrimental to the company and or its clients.


Then please send your mail for applying adminship to contact@mig33.com
LETS TRY IT AND GUD LUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Vish203 Demoted Admin

Satu berita lagi dari MiG33
Administrator vish 203 di pecat,karna sikap dy yg tdk baik kpda users.
Demoted vish ini menambah Kesempatan para calon admin untuk jadi admin sesegera mungkin ,cara jadi adminnya send lamaran buat jadi admin hanya ke contact@mig33.com.
Demikian skilas info.


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Admin Nushwa Retired

Lagi lagi admin mig berkurang.
Nushwa asal sudan yang br aja diangkat dsember kmrn sdh mengundrkan diri karna mau nikah.
Ok deh .slmat menempuh hdp bru nushwa


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Edit Tampilan MiG33 Aplikasi Anda

Cara Edit Mig33
Untuk edit file mig33 jar, teman2 butuh file kompress. kalian dapat menggunakan winZip atau winRAR. setelah terinstal di komputer, extract file mig33 yang akan kalian edit. Sebaiknya di extract dalam bentuk folder, supaya lebih mudah digunakan. Setelah terbentuk folder baru, buka folder tersebut. Didalam folder ada folder com, META-INF, file format class, file gambar format PNG. di sini kalian bisa berkreasi untuk mengganti dengan foto, tulisan yang kalian buat sendiri. setelah file yang diedit selesai, teman2 tinggal menutup folder mig yang diedit tadi. kemudian pilih compress to (nama file yang akan kalian edit. khusus mengkompres, sebaiknya menggunakan winZip, untuk winRAR sering gagal.
Apabila file tersebut sudah menjadi format .zip, ganti format tersebut dengan .jar
Untuk teman2 yang tidak dapat melihat format file, silakan masuk ke my komputer, kmd tool, kmd folder option, setelah itu pilih view, hilangkan centang di
Hide extensions for known file types



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Story of Interview to Joemac ( Staff MiG33 )

Story of Interview to Joemac ( Staff MiG33 ) ini juga bakal gw posting besok.....


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Mig33 Punya Banyak Aturan :s

Ya begitulah,seperti judul diatas.
Nick icon and spasi di inactivin (untg sy gk pnya) , gk bs buat rum baru , denger2 jg pmbuatan id dibtasi dari ip pengguna , dan kata temen yg mengeluh,bnyak aplikasi mig33 kicker yg udah di blok (sy c stju dg ini,namun merchant bnyak khlgn planggan mgkn) , flud meraja lela( krna bs 15x flud,dampaknya jika kna kloning plus flud user sy bisa bisu) , em0ticon hrus byar,dsb.
Kok jd gk nyaman ya?tp mau gmana lg. . .


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Admin mystic_shadow kick me!!!!

kapan-kapan gw ceritain disini yang lengkap kap kap kap...
kejadiannya emang udah beberapa bulan lalutapi gw rasa perlu gw share....
wait my post aboit later.


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Admin S0fie_ Resign

we lost again 1 admin.. it is s0fie_
she busy on her real life...
thank for ur help to us s0fie.
Gud luck
GBU Sofie....


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Admin Adil Mahmud Retired

Berkurang lagi admin mig33.....
karena adil_mahmud dari arab saudi yg usianya lebih muda dari gw. Dy mengundurkan diri dari jabatannya karna mau konsen sekolah,mungkin mau ujian nasional kale,,,,agagagagaga
Sekian Sekilas info dari MiG33


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Friendster Mobile

Friendster Mobile adalah sebuah fasilitas gratis dari friendster.com di mana teman teman harus menyetujui peraturan peraturan yang dibuat di m.friendster ini, fasilitas friendster mobile bisa berjalan lebih baik dan lancar apabila tman teman menggunakan browser yang tepat, dan biasanya ini didominasi oleh Opera.
Friendster Mobile

Friendster Mobile

Selain itu di dalam friendster mobile atau m.friendster para pemakai frendster dapat:

* Membaca horoscope
* Membuat buletin
* Melihat tanggal hari ulangtahun Menyelidiki profil teman teman melalui nama atau emailnya
* Melakukan browsing
* Meng-upload foto
* Menempatkan shoutouts
* Meninjau kembali permohonan teman
* Membuat dan menyetujui komentar
* Mengecek pesan
* Dan meng-update data mengenai aktivitas teman

Tapi memulai semua itu anda harus mengaktifkan alat nirkabel yang tersambung dengan internet.
Friendster Mobile Text Messages

Di sini akan saya jelaskan sedikit tentang Friendster Tutorial Mobile Text Messages
Cara register Friendster Mobile Text Messages

Sebelum anda register Friendster Mobile Text Messages anda harus sudah terdaftar sebelumnya di www.friendster.com, jika sudah register. Ketik REG
dan kirimkan ke 2276. Setelah sukses register anda secara otomatis friendster akan mengirimkan pesan kepada anda tentang service service di friendster mobile. Seperti permohonan untuk jadi teman, Testimonial Alerts, Message Alerts, Bulletin Alerts, and Friend Uploaded Photo Alerts. Tapi jika anda merasa terganggu dengan Friendster Mobile Alerts. Anda bisa koq unsubscribe alert m.friendster ini. Caranya di bawah ini.
Unsubscribe Friendster Mobile Alerts

1. Unsubscribe ALL alerts: ketik OFF ALERTS dan kirimkan ke 2276

2. Unsubscribe Friend Request alerts: ketik OFF CONFIRM dan kirimkan ke 2276

3. Unsubscribe Testimonial Alerts: ketik OFF TESTIFY dan kirimkan ke 2276

4. Unsubscribe Message alerts: ketik OFF MSG dan kirimkan ke 2276

5. Unsubscribe Bulletin alerts: ketik OFF BULLETIN dan kirimkan ke 2276

6. Unsubscribe Friend Uploaded Photo alerts: ketik OFF FRIENDPIC dan kirimkan ke 2276

Cara Menggunakan Fitur Friendster Mobile

A. Cara mengirimkan request ke teman via hp: ketik BEFRIEND
B. Cara mengirimkan testimonial ke teman: ketik TESTIFY dan kirimkan ke 2276

D. Cara mengirimkan pesan ke teman: ketik MSG dan kirimkan ke 2276

E. Cara melihat profile teman : ketik VIEW dan kirimkan ke 2276

F. Cara blok pesan spam : ketik BLOCK TESTIFY untuk testimonial dan BLOCK MSG untuk pesan teman yang dianggap spam oleh sistem friendster lalu kirimkan ke 2276

G. Cara unblok pesan spam : ketik UNBLOCK TESTIFY untuk testimonial dan UNBLOCK MSG untuk pesan teman yang dianggap spam oleh sistem friendster lalu kirimkan ke 2276

H. Pencarian teman: ketik FIND dan kirimkan ke 2276

I. Cara menerima request teman: ketik CONFIRM dan kirimkan ke 2276

J. Cara membalas pesan teman: ketik REPLY dan kirimkan ke 2276

K. Cara menerima testimonial: ketik ACCEPT dan kirimkan ke 2276

L. Cara upload foto dari Hp ke friendster profile: melalui MMS anda, kirimkan ke 2276

Tentang Friendster tutorial kali ini saya akhiri dulu. Semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih :D


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Januari 10, 2009


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Daftar Lima Kemungkinan Penyebab Tipes Menurut Ikainhere

hai smua,dmanapun anda beRdiRi at0 duduk, gw maw ngasi taw pnyebab tipes, ini: (d larang d baca usia 17 tahun kesamping)

1. Kecapekan.
nah tu yg paLing utama. Jd nih y, kL keRJaan Lw shaRi2 tu nebangin p0h0n, ngeLas JaLan, nyabutin Rumput d aLun2, ama ngepeL audit0Rium kampus, Lw bkLn smakin beRkmungkinan kna tipes. kea gw ini misaLna,, :~

2. Jajan di tempat umum.
nah tu yg kedua b0'. Jd gni, mungkin aJa kan yg JuaLan tu nyuci aLat2 makanna cm pke aiR d0ang (ama tangan tentuna) aLhasiL g beRsih d0ng..beLi sunLight kek s0n0..

3. Duduk lama dalam posisi perut terlipat.
n0h yg ketiga. maksud gw, bs aJa kan usus2 yg ada d peRut Jd maRah gaRa2 meReka ketekuk pas Qt duduk itu, tRus meReka Jd meLukai diRi meReka sendiRi, aLhasiL pemiLik ususna Jd kena tipes deh, y kea gw ini..

4. Ketularan
tapi mpe detik ini gw g abis pikiR sapa yg nuLaRin gw..apa tempat makan gw d LuaR s0n0, apa sapa, g mungkin kn tmn anis tmn esempe gw yg skRg agy tipes Jg yg nuLaRin gw, scaRa dy aJa d Lomb0k..bagimane nuLaRinna c0ba,,

5. Kambuh
nah yg keLima ini, g bs deh Lw LaRi.. kL emg tipes Lu kambuhan, Lw g bs ngumped pake 'Jubah menghilang' kea yg d pke haRRy p0tteR bwt LaRi daRi h0gwaRts mLm2 bwt k p0nd0k hagRid itu skaLipun. tu tipes kambuhan tetep bakaL ngeJaR Lw..

That's oLL..kL ad yg kuRang itu datengna daRi gw,kL ada yg Lebih itu datengna daRi Tuhan.. (kea na gada yg Lebih yak,,)


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::