weLCome to iKainheRe's hOmepaGe

Open youR mind and iMpROve youR LiFe............
Get infoRmation about aLL heRe.

oPen YouR minD

Jika diRimu tak mampu menJadi beRingin, yanG teGak di kaki bukit,
JadiLah saJa beLukaR yanG teRbaik, yanG tumbuh di tepi danau . . . . .
Jika diRimu tak sanGGup menJadi beLukaR, JadiLah saJa Rumput,
tetapi Rumput yanG mempeRkuat tanGGuL, di pinGGiRan JaLan . . . .
Jika diRimu tak mampu menJadi JaLan Raya, JadiLah saJa JaLan setapak,
tetapi JaLan setapak yanG membawa oRanG ke mata aiR . . .
tidak semua menJadi kapten
tentu haRus aDa awak kapaLnYa . . .
JadiLah saJa diRimu .......... be yOuR seLf..
sebaik-baik daRi diRimu sendiRi ^_^

iKainheRe Tells About Her Self

Kenalin, gw Ika. iKainheRe Just the same with another women. iKainheRe
Hanya ajja gw suka banget bikin orang senyum, ketawa, dengan hidangan yang gw suguhkan.
Gw sangat menghargai preferen, pendapat, masukan, kritikan, tapi bukan menjudge. iKainheRe
iKainheReJust be my self. Dengan style, brave life, color friends, and dunia gw.iKainheRe
iKainheRe Menjadi seorang penulis yang brave, eksis, dan stylish itu gga gampang, semua dari nol. Contemplative comedy gw pilih buat mewakili apa yang pengen gw sampaikan.
Komedi selalu bisa mengungkapkan apa yang tak bisa kita pahami. iKainheRe
Seperti kata Moliere, “The duty of comedy is to correct men by amusing them.” iKainheRe
Banyak orang yang bilang, penulis yang baik adalah penulis yang punya referensi yang banyak, menurut gw itu bener. Banyak-banyaklah nonton film dan baca buku.
Penulis yang baik juga akan selalu mengadopsi dan mempelajari, tapi tidak pernah mencuri.iKainheRe
Mudah-mudahan gw bisa iKainheRe

Maret 31, 2010

Batik Laweyan Solo Indonesia

Kampoeng Batik Laweyan Solo setelah berjuang lebih dari 4 tahun akhirnya FPKBL memndapatkan apresiasi dari pemerintah RI berupa penghargaan UPAKARTI untuk Kategori Kawasan Industri Kecil.

Workshop Peningkatan Citra dan Daya Dukung Sosial Kampoeng Batik Laweyan Sebagai Daerah Tujuan Utama Wisata Surakarta. Dilaksanakan pada tanggal 14 November 2009 di Balai Kelurahan Laweyan.

Pada tanggal 11 November 2009 Kampoeng Batik Laweyan yang bekerjasama dengan TVRI Yogya menyelenggarakan outbond "batik" untuk anak didik SD Djama'atul Ichwan.

Tanggal 16 sd 20 November 2009 berlangsung "Pelatihan Web Marketing" di Solo Techno Park yang diselenggarakan oleh DED [Jerman] dan Pemda Solo. Pada Tahap 1 peserta dari Kampoeng Batik Laweyan ada 2 orang yaitu utusan Batik MARIN dan Batik Cempaka.

Tanggal 16 sd 20 November 2009 berlangsung "Pelatihan Web Marketing" di Solo Techno Park yang diselenggarakan oleh DED [Jerman] dan Pemda Solo. Pada Tahap 1 peserta dari Kampoeng Batik Laweyan ada 2 orang yaitu utusan Batik MARIN dan Batik Cempaka.

Tanggal 16 sd 20 November 2009 berlangsung "Pelatihan Web Marketing" di Solo Techno Park yang diselenggarakan oleh DED [Jerman] dan Pemda Solo. Pada Tahap 1 peserta dari Kampoeng Batik Laweyan ada 2 orang yaitu utusan Batik MARIN dan Batik Cempaka.

Tanggal 16 sd 20 November 2009 berlangsung "Pelatihan Web Marketing" di Solo Techno Park yang diselenggarakan oleh DED [Jerman] dan Pemda Solo. Pada Tahap 1 peserta dari Kampoeng Batik Laweyan ada 2 orang yaitu utusan Batik MARIN dan Batik Cempaka.

Forum Pengembangan Kampoeng Batik Laweyan yang bekerjasama dengan Jurusan Komunikasi FISIP UNS menyelenggarakan "Workshop Peningkatan Citra dan Daya Dukung Sosial Kampoeng Batik Laweyan Sebagai Daerah Tujuan Wisata Surakarta" di Balai Kampung Laweyan. Workshop ini dikikuti oleh berbagai elemen masyarakat seperti FPKBL,... LPMK, PKK, pengusaha dan tokoh masyarakat laweyan.

Pada tanggal 16 sd 20 November 2009 diadakan Pelatihan Teknologi Pewarnaan Untuk Batik yang menggunakan bahan dari alam[non sintetis] di SMK9 Solo yang terselenggara atas kerjasama PIUMKM dan RDC.

Pada tanggal 16 sd 20 November 2009 diadakan Pelatihan Teknologi Pewarnaan Untuk Batik yang menggunakan bahan dari alam[non sintetis] di SMK9 Solo yang terselenggara atas kerjasama PIUMKM dan RDC.

Pada tanggal 23-24 November 2009, dua org wakil dari Kampoeng Batik Laweyan mengikuti Program Pelatihan ABI [Asean Benchmarking Index] di Hotel Grand Dorsset Horzz, Subang - Malaysia.

Pada tanggal 11 Desember 2009 sejumlah 60 mahasisiwa Teknik Kimia UNDIP berkunjung ke Laweyan dalam rangka Studi Lapangan Kewirausahaan dan Manajemen Produksi Kampoeng Batik Laweyan.

Pada tanggal 11 Desember 2009 sejumlah 60 mahasisiwa Teknik Kimia UNDIP berkunjung ke Laweyan dalam rangka Studi Lapangan Kewirausahaan dan Manajemen Produksi Kampoeng Batik Laweyan.

Kunjungan Tamu Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Kimia UNDIP ke Kampoeng Batik Laweyan Solo.

Pada tanggal 16 Desember 2009 rombongan pengusaha UMKM dari Kab Tangerang berkunjung ke Kampoeng Batik Laweyan guna belajar tentang cara pegelolaan kawasan industri batik.

Pada tanggal 16 Desember 2009 rombongan pengusaha UMKM dari Kab Tangerang berkunjung ke Kampoeng Batik Laweyan guna belajar tentang cara pegelolaan kawasan industri batik.

Pada tanggal 28 Desember 2009, 30 mahasiswa Teknik Industri UMS berkunjung ke Kampoeng Batik Laweyan guna belajar cara mengelola kawasan industri yang kelak akan mereka terapkan di kampung mereka masing-masing.

Pada tanggal 28 Desember 2009, 30 mahasiswa Teknik Industri UMS berkunjung ke Kampoeng Batik Laweyan guna belajar cara mengelola kawasan industri yang kelak akan mereka terapkan di kampung mereka masing-masing.

Pada tanggal 28 Desember 2009, 30 mahasiswa Teknik Industri UMS berkunjung ke Kampoeng Batik Laweyan guna belajar cara mengelola kawasan industri yang kelak akan mereka terapkan di kampung mereka masing-masing.

Liputan 6 SCTV melakukan siaran langsung di Kampoeng Batik Laweyan dalam rangka lebih mengenalkan budaya Batik sebagai salah satu asset bangsa Indonesia. Pada kesempatan kali ini memilih Batik Putra Laweyan sebagai lokasi shooting.

Pada tanggal 13 Januari 2010 rombongan siswa SMKN Purwodadi berkunjung ke Kampoeng Batik Laweyan guna mengetahu lebih lanjut tentang industri batik. Pada kesempatan kali ini Batik Putra Laweyan dan Batik Mahkota Laweyan terpilih sebagai tempat tujuan kunjungan tersebut.

Pada tanggal 14 Januari 2010 rombongan Dekan Teknik Informatika UMS beserta Rektor UNIBA berkunjung ke Laweyan guna menindaklanjuti rencana kerjasama dengan FPKBL dalam penguasaan aplikasi IT dalam industri batik serta upaya sinergi akademisi dengan komunitas batik untuk perbaikan dalam teknik pembuatan serta pemasaran batik.

Pada tanggal 14 Januari 2010 rombongan Dekan Teknik Informatika UMS beserta Rektor UNIBA berkunjung ke Laweyan guna menindaklanjuti rencana kerjasama dengan FPKBL dalam penguasaan aplikasi IT dalam industri batik serta upaya sinergi akademisi dengan komunitas batik untuk perbaikan dalam teknik pembuatan serta pemasaran batik.

Pada tanggal 28 Januari 2010 ditandatangani MOU antara "Forum Pengembangan Kampoeng Batik Laweyan" dengan UNIBA Solo untuk mengembangkan Kawasan Batik Terpadu [Batik Park] dengan elemen utama Kampoeng Batik Laweyan dan wilayah sekitarnya seperti kampung Sondakan, kampung Bumi dan tidak menutup kemungkinan kampung Pajang.

Pada tanggal 28 Januari 2010 ditandatangani MOU antara "Forum Pengembangan Kampoeng Batik Laweyan" dengan UNIBA Solo untuk mengembangkan Kawasan Batik Terpadu [Batik Park] dengan elemen utama Kampoeng Batik Laweyan dan wilayah sekitarnya seperti kampung Sondakan, kampung Bumi dan tidak menutup kemungkinan kampung Pajang.

"MOU antara FPKBL dengan UNIBA"
Pada tanggal 28 Januari 2010 ditandatangani MOU antara "Forum Pengembangan Kampoeng Batik Laweyan" dengan UNIBA Solo untuk mengembangkan Kawasan Batik Terpadu [Batik Park] dengan elemen utama Kampoeng Batik Laweyan dan wilayah sekitarnya seperti kampung Sondakan, kampung Bumi dan tidak ...menutup kemungkinan kampung Pajang.

Salah satu asset yang sangat berharga Kampoeng Batik Laweyan adalah Bangunan Kuno dan Rumah Khas Laweyan yang merupakan perpaduan arsitektur Eropa dan Jawa. Sayang sekali akhir2 ini terjadi pengubahan bentuk arsitektur rumah Khas Laweyan tersebut menjadi arsitektur modern ala barat. Kalau hal ini dibiarkan maka kekhasa...n Laweyan akan hilang seiring waktu yg berjalan. Tentu saja hal ini tidak boleh dibiarkan begitu saja.

Pada tanggal 11 Februari 2010 Rombongan Pegawai Pemda beserta para Pengusaha kabupaten Bukit Tinggi berkunjung ke Kampoeng Batik Laweyan guna "Studi Banding" tentang Industri Batik.

Pada tanggal 10 Februari 2010 diadakan Rapat Koordinasi pengurus FPKBL di Hotel Indah Palace guna mengkonsolidasikan seluruh pengurus aktif dalam menyongsong "musyawarah besar" yang direncanakan diadakan pada bulan Maret 2010.

Pada tanggal 9 Februari 2010 rombongan pengusaha Travel Agent Padang berkunjung ke Kampoeng Batik Laweyan guna mengetahui lebih lanjut potensi Laweyan berkaitan dengan kerjasama penjualan paket wisata batik.

Pada hari Rabu tanggal 17 februari 2010 sejumlah 35 orang dari ASPI Jawa Timur berkunjung ke Kampoeng Batik Laweyan sebagai bagian dari upaya Promosi Wisata Batik Laweyan.

Salah satu dari beberapa Rumah Khas Laweyan yang masih sangat terpelihara dan tampak keindahannya milik kel Bp Subandono.

Pada hari Rabu tanggal 17 februari 2010 sejumlah 35 orang dari ASPI Jawa Timur berkunjung ke Kampoeng Batik Laweyan sebagai bagian dari upaya Promosi Wisata Batik Laweyan.

Langgar Merdeka

Piagam UPAKARTI untuk "Forum Pengembangan Kampoeng Batik Laweyan" atas prestasinya dalam kepeloporan pengembangan kawasan industri batik di Laweyan.

Salah satu asset yang sangat berharga Kampoeng Batik Laweyan adalah Bangunan Kuno dan Rumah Khas Laweyan yang merupakan perpaduan arsitektur Eropa dan Jawa. Sayang sekali akhir2 ini terjadi pengubahan bentuk arsitektur rumah Khas Laweyan tersebut menjadi arsitektur modern ala barat. Kalau hal ini dibiarkan maka kekhasa...n Laweyan akan hilang seiring waktu yg berjalan. Tentu saja hal ini tidak boleh dibiarkan begitu saja.

Pada tanggal 22 sd 25 Februari 2010 sejumlah 50 orang mahasiswa APP [Akademi Pimpinan Perusahaan] Jakarta mengadakan kuliah kerja di 7 perusahaan batik di Laweyan. Tujuh mahasiswi APP berfoto bersama dengan pemilik Batik Mahkota Laweyan Bp Alpha Febela dan Ibu Juliani Prasetyaningrum.

Sejumlah 50 orang mahasiswa APP [Akademi Pimpinan Perusahaan] Jakarta mengadakan kuliah kerja di 7 perusahaan batik di Laweyan selama 4 hari dari tanggal 22 sd 25 Februari 2010.

Sosialisasi Penetapan Laweyan sebagai Cagar Budaya, manfaat dan kewajibannya, oleh Ibu Dr. Naniek Widayati. Acara ini diselenggarakan pada hari Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010 di showroom Batik Puspa Kencana.

Sosialisasi Penetapan Laweyan sebagai Cagar Budaya, manfaat dan kewajibannya, oleh Ibu Dr. Naniek Widayati. Acara ini diselenggarakan pada hari Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010 di showroom Batik Puspa Kencana.

"Sosialisasi Penetapan Laweyan sebagai Cagar Budaya, manfaat dan kewajibannya", oleh Ibu Dr. Ir. Naniek Widayati Priyomarsono, MT [Director Centre of Architecture and Conservation Laweyan].
Penetapan ini berdasarkan : SK Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata No.PM3/PW007/MKP/2010 tentang Penetapan kawasan Laweyan sebbagai B...end a Cagar Budaya, Situs atau Kawasan Cagar Budaya yang dilindungi UU RI No.5 tahun 1992 tentang Benda Cagar BUdaya tahun 2010.

Ada 4 obyek wisata Laweyan yang termasuk dalam kategori Jaman Ki Ageng Henis [tokoh besar yang menurunkan Sutowijoyo, Raja Mataram pertama] yaitu Mesjid Laweyan, Makam K.A. Henis, Bandar Kabanaran dan lokasi bekas Pasar Laweyan.

Pada hari sabtu, 6 Maret 2010 sejumlah 6 bus rombongan tamu dari REI berkunjung ke Kampoeng Batik Laweyan dalam rangka mengadakan wisata batik.

Pada hari Sabtu, 6 Maret 2010 rombongan Menpera berkunjung ke Kampoeng Batik Laweyan guna mengetahui lebih lanjut perihal Batik dan konservasi Cagar Budayanya.


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Maret 19, 2010


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/ikainhere

what are your website?


Ask me anything


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/ikainhere

who are you?

am tHe fRienDLy, kinDLy, cHeeRy giRL ♥ iKainheRe™ ♥

♥ am simply just an ördinary girl nöt möre than yöu imagine.
Height 168cm
Weight 49kgs

♥ am a writer, announcer, blogger, migger, tweeter, event organizer, businessgirl, innovator, networker, web development, UNS's student, and an open minded women.

♥ love writing, love rainy, love orange, love mig33, love blogging, love chöcoLatös, love capuccino float, love kebab, love j.co, love bioskop trans tv, love tweeting, love BCA, love im3, love esia, love LV, love pentel, love toshiba, love UNS.

♥ Loves to chat. Loves those who loves them. Loves to takes things at the center. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn't pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Loves to travel

♥ : : thanks för being my friends: : ♥

Ask me anything

Maret 18, 2010

Love it

I feel your hands in my hair.
I feel your breath on my neck.
I feel your body pressed so close to mine.
I feel your lips on my throat.
I feel your hands move to my back and your lips work their way up to mine.
I feel you and I love it.

I hear you say you love me.
I hear you whisper my name.
I hear you tell me I'm the only one for you.
I hear your breath in my ear.
I hear your soft snores as I fall asleep.
I hear you and I love it.

I see you as I run into your arms.
I see your face break through my world of darkness.
I see you fight away my fears.
I see you wipe away my tears.
I see you're in love with me.
I see you and I love it.

I taste your lips.
I taste your tongue.
I taste your throat as I kiss it.
I taste your love.
I taste your passion.
I taste you and I love it.

I smell your colone as I hold you.
I smell your shampoo as I hug you.
I smell your toothpaste as I kiss you.
I smell your excitement as you cuddle me.
I smell the smell I've been waiting so long to smell.
I smell you and I love it.

I feel you.
I hear you.
I see you.
I taste you.
I smell you.
I do all these things and I love it.

I'm finally with you.
You're finally here.
I love it.
I love you.


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Maret 12, 2010

You Stayed

I wasn't counting on
having to let go.
I didn't want that unshared memory to fade.
I didn't want to forget the blue eyes
I loved so much.
But time plays tricks and memories fade
with their feelings forever strong.
What could have been, never was.
What dreams were dreamed were caught in shadow.
Those innocent words between friends
led to unfortunate heartbreak, but at least I know,
somewhere you are happy, doing what you want.
Those one-sided memories of sadness,
are forgotten and soon replaced with one simple warmth.
Though time was never a favor,
and love didn't exist for us,
at least my heart will always remember
that you stayed by my side.


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

If The Blue Moon

If the blue moon set upon the sun
would our hearts be as one.

If the volcanos swam in the sea
would you fill the space between you and me.

How does the empty world grow and why does summer bring the snow, who should ever really know just how much love I really show?
If we fell up the stairs and down to the universe, who sees through glass doors and would you stay as mine forever more.

Pain of the new time, lessons learn and purple grime, how does anything be when nothing left but me and me.
When the stars sing to burning mars , do drunks fight in open bars.
Why does the pain always grow
why must I never know

Truth inside
Unknown hearts
my love for you
has too many parts.


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

The Sky Would Be Light Purple

if you cut me I suppose I would bleed the colour of the evening stars – the stars, for whom the sun goes down to relieve the burning in their eyes, the stars whose cure to a hangover is to go and drink more (bottles up, shirts up, lights down, light up, cold air, in this air am drowning, embryonic asphyxiation and you're kissing my hair), stars who hope with eyes wide shut, stars who are twinkling in the hour of this twilight, closer to imploding in on their-selves, fetal, compressing under the pressure into a no-space of no-thing-ness.

I would bleed these evening love-lies as profusely as their vomit is propelled into the mouths of the great-white-godliness. I suppose they might also be missed by the untrained eye, as blurry eyes capture tracers and spots that aren't really there. they might also be midnight blue.

"This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper."

your mommy told me your name back when I was in forth grade. if the butterfly effect was in full effect (as it might damn very well be, seeing as how girls like us are shredding the butterflies at the seams, our crystalline screams resounding in our saturated veins. the wings do look
pretty on the floor, though.)
I'd go back and tell you to stay far away from me. that way, I would have died a long time ago. or it would be easier to do it now. either way, it would be better that way.


Et la mer avait embrassé moi
Et la délivré moi de ma cellule

Rien ne peut m'arrêter maintenant


I need to go somewhere where I can
scream as loud as I want, for as
long as I want.


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

What Will You Choose?

there you stand. frozen. you hear it. its looking for you. your adrenaline kicks into overdrive, coursing through your veins. your heart rate starts to pick up again. just when you thought it was gone for good, just when you thought it lost your trail, you hear it.........slowly.......making its way for you. panic ensues, your mind scrambling for a plan to get out, paralyzing your entire body. you hear it yet again.............only this time, its closer. much closer than before. your brain screams, demanding for you to move, but still you stand there, frozen in fear. what do you do? do you risk it and run like hell? or do you fight with all you've got?


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

The Day the Sun Dies

Waiting for that day to come.
What could you do?
Just wait…
Be patient, and let the venom flow through you freely,
And you won't get hurt.
Don't move, let the fire burn you.
Become one with the flames licking your skin.
Burn all the bad, remember the good.
The day the sun dies, is your first day of forever.


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

October Skies Last Year

Open hearts, bleeding out
Broken words, fall and spread about
Like the train of a silk gown
Rippling as water, all the way down

Emotions bared, love and pain
Shown to everyone, as snow and rain
They stay there, glittering as broken glass
Holding true to all that pass


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Colors of The World

I have a paint box, filled with the many colors of the world.
Colors of peace, calming and sweet.
And colors of war, dark and scornful.
Red like the blood shed during battle.
Black like the emptiness of a soldier.
Orange like the fire from exploding bombs.
But I also have many colors of peace.
Blue like the calm of water in the ocean.
White like the serenity of a relaxing day.
Yellow like the sunshine on my tired back.
The world is indeed a rainbow filled with many colors.


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

And Thank You..

It is the only
Question I have.
You have the power; and
You have the gun to my head.
You are so close, so close to firing it.
Unpredictable, best describes you, yes.
There is nothing left for me to do.
I whisper a few words,
"Pull the trigger."
My last word:

That is why we are here.
That is why we hurt.
That is why we hate.
That is why we fight.
But is also why we go on.

It is the mother of all.
It is the mother of pain.
It is the mother of sorrow.
It is the mother of anguish.
It is the mother of grief.
But it is also the mother of our motivation.

Even though this is all true, even though it hurts, we continue.
because, love is what allowed me to find you.
It is what allows me to feel what you feel,
follow you where ever you go,
and to do whatever I can to protect you.

It's fear at it's finest
Afraid of being successful
Afriad of where that path might lead you

So here i begin to wonder..
Where this all began?
To look back at my darkest moments
Realizing how bad those choices really were
but how could you argue
when you remember just how far they got you

It's the maddest truth of them all
To finally see whats real

Because, of love, I will never leave your side.

Because, I love you.


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

'IT' also know as Twilight

You do not speak it's name;
You do not think it.
You do not mention it;
You do not read it.

It has relationship abuse
It has incredible idiocy
It has premature teenage desicions
It has a sexist writer who needs men.

It is corrupting
It is killing bad creatures
It is being loved
It is the worst.

It is Twilight
It is him


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

I Will Still Remember

Why are you still on my mind. Why did I look for your picture. Why do I remember every moment you you. I hate myself for not letting go. I hate that I know you never cared for me. We were friends long ago, but that was all. I think I let your kindness get to me.

People ask me what I saw in you. Why a crush existed. I don't know how to answer. There's no reason to my madness.

I'm sure you don't remember, but I do, I always will. From time to time I'll still try to smile.
I'll try to think that maybe it would have worked. But that can never be. So when I found your picture again, and all those emotions came flooding back, maybe I can take comfort in a prayer. One that wishes you all the happiness I can, and one that leaves a whisper on the wind -

I love you once, I love you still.
You may laugh, but I will still smile.


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

I Feel For You

In all my days, i have to admit
I've never met anyone perfect
No one is or so they say
But to me your perfect in every way
When i glanced in your eyes my body shook
My breath from me is what you took
Without knowing you took my heart
But now where are you? I'm torn apart
Hey, where ever you are, i want you to know
I'll be right here waiting, cause i love you so
And in my mind i repeat your name
I hope your not running a game
I believe everything you say, yes i do
Because I fell for you


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::


I prefer the beautiful lies, The warm, spring-time edges of unfurling hopes, that will only curl and die in the winter of truth. I prefer the soft landings in fields of optimistic futility, where crashing after the fall, I can rest in the arms of a welcoming despair and I prefer the sunset to the sunrise, because endings are less uncertain and darkness more familiar, so, please, offer me your love, and whisper in my ear that a failure to reject is the same as a willingness to accept, And I will listen from somewhere down here in this perpetual sleep, and I will dream a response, just for you, crafted to provide you with the same solace. Please look into my eyes and see what you need to see; And this, and a million other faces, will smile back, just for you and the world that doesnt want to know who it is thats looking back

But someday, I will find the strength to turn the key, open the door, and leave you all behind to craft your own lies


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::


Surrounded by people, I know their faces and their voices but who they are I don't know that. They know my face and voice but not me. They are all strangers heading to the same place as me. Maybe I'll make friends along the way or a few more enemys. Only fate will decide. But to be my friend or enemy you have to know me, what's on the inside not out. But none take the time it's their loss. They will never know me I'll just be a stranger to them or the cheery girl, smart girl, whatever they label me but that not whom I really am. So label me what you lie but you may think you have figured out who I am but your wrong. Only those who step out of the crowd get to know the real me but intill then we are just strangers heading to the same place.


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Maret 07, 2010

Pengadilan Cinta

Aku masih ingat sekali saat aku berada di sana, di sebuah tempat bernama pangadilan. Pengadilan itu pengadilan cinta. Disana aku menjadi terdakwa. Aku dituduh bahwa aku telah mencintainya. Aku tak bisa mengelak. Aku tak bisa mengelak. Bukti-bukti yang sangat kuat, saksi-saksi begitu banyak, bahkan pengacaraku pun tak bisa menolongku..

Aku dihukum untuk mencintaimu seumur hidup. Saat itulah takdir datang dan berkata lain....