The new version of mig33 is now out. mig33 4.1 has been redesigned to be faster, use less data, keep you connected to your chats even when the network is having dropped connections, and has some cool new features. Thanks to all our users who have been helping test test the Beta version of the product, and have given so much helpful feedback and suggestions.
Full list of changes:
What makes 4.1 the best version of mig33 ever?
Download now
Faster & keeps you connected better than ever before
Up to 4 times faster in starting up, viewing profiles and other activities
Auto reconnect – mig33 is the only chat application that reconnects if you have network disconnects and keeps all your info active
Uses even less data than competitors
Half the size of other messaging apps
Cached features mean mig33 looks better, runs faster and still keep data usage to a minimum
Can turn on and off updates and chatroom tabs as you need them
New features including:
Chatroom portal - a new interface so now you can bookmark your favorite chat rooms and see recent rooms you have visited
Call friends by name – in chatrooms or on your friends list, you can call friends needing to share phone numbers
Better look makes mig33 easier to use
You can show only online friends in your friends list
Status icons are easier to read
Menu flows have been redesigned to gets you to where you want faster
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Search for the Vampire! Or Heads you win, Tails you lose! Explore chat rooms in mig3 to find more...
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