weLCome to iKainheRe's hOmepaGe

Open youR mind and iMpROve youR LiFe............
Get infoRmation about aLL heRe.

oPen YouR minD

Jika diRimu tak mampu menJadi beRingin, yanG teGak di kaki bukit,
JadiLah saJa beLukaR yanG teRbaik, yanG tumbuh di tepi danau . . . . .
Jika diRimu tak sanGGup menJadi beLukaR, JadiLah saJa Rumput,
tetapi Rumput yanG mempeRkuat tanGGuL, di pinGGiRan JaLan . . . .
Jika diRimu tak mampu menJadi JaLan Raya, JadiLah saJa JaLan setapak,
tetapi JaLan setapak yanG membawa oRanG ke mata aiR . . .
tidak semua menJadi kapten
tentu haRus aDa awak kapaLnYa . . .
JadiLah saJa diRimu .......... be yOuR seLf..
sebaik-baik daRi diRimu sendiRi ^_^

iKainheRe Tells About Her Self

Kenalin, gw Ika. iKainheRe Just the same with another women. iKainheRe
Hanya ajja gw suka banget bikin orang senyum, ketawa, dengan hidangan yang gw suguhkan.
Gw sangat menghargai preferen, pendapat, masukan, kritikan, tapi bukan menjudge. iKainheRe
iKainheReJust be my self. Dengan style, brave life, color friends, and dunia gw.iKainheRe
iKainheRe Menjadi seorang penulis yang brave, eksis, dan stylish itu gga gampang, semua dari nol. Contemplative comedy gw pilih buat mewakili apa yang pengen gw sampaikan.
Komedi selalu bisa mengungkapkan apa yang tak bisa kita pahami. iKainheRe
Seperti kata Moliere, “The duty of comedy is to correct men by amusing them.” iKainheRe
Banyak orang yang bilang, penulis yang baik adalah penulis yang punya referensi yang banyak, menurut gw itu bener. Banyak-banyaklah nonton film dan baca buku.
Penulis yang baik juga akan selalu mengadopsi dan mempelajari, tapi tidak pernah mencuri.iKainheRe
Mudah-mudahan gw bisa iKainheRe

April 23, 2010

Daily Libra Horoscope

You can't tell a book by its cover, Libra, and that is an important lesson today. Someone who has the appearance of being trustworthy may not be, while someone appearing very different from your image of an authority may have vitally important information for you. You can gain advantage today by being quiet and not revealing much about yourself, while demanding that others answer your questions honestly and fully. Your personal privacy is very important today, and it would be best if you handled your obligations without complaining or volunteering any personal information.

New beginnings may take place today, Libra, and these will bring with them the opportunity to shape things in your romantic affairs as well. You may receive advice from someone that is older today, and this will give you a new perspective on an old situation. Your renewed clarity will allow you to make the changes you have needed to make for some time, and this will make for some progress with love. Once you have the clarity that you have been waiting for, you can easily make decisions or new beginnings that will have a lasting and long term effect on you romantic goals.

Compatibility: Virgo
Mood: Energetic
Your Daily Lucky Color: Red
Lucky Number: 55
Lucky Time of Day: 6pm

iKainheRe:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

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