weLCome to iKainheRe's hOmepaGe
Bantuan hanYa denGan foRwaRd emaiL!!
Tiap minimal 3 orang yang kalian kirimin imel ini, maka gadis cilik saat ini sedang sakit, di bawah ini, akan menerima sumbangan 32 $cent dari American On Line.
Terimakasih atas partisipasinya
Subject: HARUS di forward !!!!!
Subject: HARUS di forward !!!!!! Importance: High
The Lord bless this girl. Amien. Please help! If you delete this ... you seriously don't have a heart.
Hi, I am a 29 year old father.. Me and my wif e have had a wonderful life together. God blessed us with a child too. Our daughter's name is Rachel, and she is 10 years old. Not long ago the doctors detected brain cancer and in her little body. There is only one way to save her...an operation. Sadly, we don't have enough money to pay the price. AOL and ZDNET have agreed to help us. The only way they can help us is this way, I send this email to you and you send it to other people. AOL will track this email and count how many people get it. Every person who opens this email and sendsit to at least 3 people will give us 32 cents. Please help us. | |
:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::
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