weLCome to iKainheRe's hOmepaGe

Open youR mind and iMpROve youR LiFe............
Get infoRmation about aLL heRe.

oPen YouR minD

Jika diRimu tak mampu menJadi beRingin, yanG teGak di kaki bukit,
JadiLah saJa beLukaR yanG teRbaik, yanG tumbuh di tepi danau . . . . .
Jika diRimu tak sanGGup menJadi beLukaR, JadiLah saJa Rumput,
tetapi Rumput yanG mempeRkuat tanGGuL, di pinGGiRan JaLan . . . .
Jika diRimu tak mampu menJadi JaLan Raya, JadiLah saJa JaLan setapak,
tetapi JaLan setapak yanG membawa oRanG ke mata aiR . . .
tidak semua menJadi kapten
tentu haRus aDa awak kapaLnYa . . .
JadiLah saJa diRimu .......... be yOuR seLf..
sebaik-baik daRi diRimu sendiRi ^_^

iKainheRe Tells About Her Self

Kenalin, gw Ika. iKainheRe Just the same with another women. iKainheRe
Hanya ajja gw suka banget bikin orang senyum, ketawa, dengan hidangan yang gw suguhkan.
Gw sangat menghargai preferen, pendapat, masukan, kritikan, tapi bukan menjudge. iKainheRe
iKainheReJust be my self. Dengan style, brave life, color friends, and dunia gw.iKainheRe
iKainheRe Menjadi seorang penulis yang brave, eksis, dan stylish itu gga gampang, semua dari nol. Contemplative comedy gw pilih buat mewakili apa yang pengen gw sampaikan.
Komedi selalu bisa mengungkapkan apa yang tak bisa kita pahami. iKainheRe
Seperti kata Moliere, “The duty of comedy is to correct men by amusing them.” iKainheRe
Banyak orang yang bilang, penulis yang baik adalah penulis yang punya referensi yang banyak, menurut gw itu bener. Banyak-banyaklah nonton film dan baca buku.
Penulis yang baik juga akan selalu mengadopsi dan mempelajari, tapi tidak pernah mencuri.iKainheRe
Mudah-mudahan gw bisa iKainheRe

Desember 04, 2008

Ketawa situ Lo

BebeRapa waktu yang LaLu gue dapet emaiL daRi temen gue yang isinya kea gini,
LuCu deyh, simak yak....

Tanggal: Selasa, 14 Oktober, 2008, 4:40 PM

----- F

Begin forwarded message:
Subject: joke

Ini joke betulan...


Ada kunjungan ke Tapos (peternakan Suharto) yang dilakukan oleh peserta

seminar keluarga harmonis, pemandu Tapos menceritakan bahwa sapi di

sangat sehat-sehat dan kuat-kuat.

Pemandu : "Bapak dan Ibu, ini sapi dari New Zealand sangat kuat sehari bisa
5 kali berhubungan"

Ibu-ibu sambil nyenggol Bapaknya : "Tuh.. Pak 5 kali sehari bisa nggak...?"

Pemandu : "Bapak dan Ibu, ini sapi Australia lebih kuat lagi sehari bisa 10

Ibu-ibu nyenggol lagi Bapaknya : "Tuh.. pak 10 kali bayangin...!!!"

Bapak-bapak semakin panas dan tanya kepada pemandu : "Pak... itu 10 kali
dengan betinanya yang sama apa nggak...?"

Pemandu : "ya... nggak lah Pak"

Bapak-bapak : "Tuh... Bu betinanya beda-beda boleh nggak...?"

Ibu-ibu cemberut dan diam.

iKainheRe said: യെലത്ത്ത്ത്... bilang aJa tu ബപാക് bisa na cuma....... uhuk...uhuk.....(dies)


Terjadi percakapan antara dua lelaki:

A: Apa benar ini perkawinan kamu yang ketiga?

B: Betul.

A: Apa yang terjadi dengan perkawinan kamu yang pertama ?

B: Istri saya meninggal karena makan jamur beracun.

A: Lalu dengan perkawinan kedua?

B: Tulang tengkorak istri saya retak.

A: Apa yang terjadi?

B: Dia menolak makan jamur beracun.

iKainheRe said: YaeLahhhhh kaLo gue d suRuh miLih mah gue g bakaLan miLih saLah satu... tapi gue bakaLan miLih ngebLog!! ato buka FS... agagagag (dies)


Seorang anggota prajurit angkatan laut yang baru saja bertugas beberapa hari

di sebuah kapal selam angkatan laut, dipecat dari kesatuannya atas tuduhan

menenggelamkan kapal selam bersama awaknya. Ketika diwawancarai wartawan,

ia mengaku tidak bersalah.

"Waktu kejadian kapal selam itu tenggelam, saya malah sedang bebas tugas,

dan sedang bersiap untuk tidur," kata si pria.

"Lantas apa yang kemudian anda lakukan sebelum tidur?" tanya wartawan.

"Ya, seperti kebiasaan di kampung. Saya selalu buka jendela sebelum tidur.

Abis gerah sih!!" jawabnya dengan santai.

iKainheRe said: Yeeee....mestina tu pRaJuRit Jangan buka JendeLa... keCuaLi kaLo emang uDaH pagi...kan tuJuanna buka JendeLa tu biaR uDaRa segaR masuk,. ato sinaR matahaRi masuk... mestina dia buKa JendeLa kaLo pagi aJa..... :|


Seorang pengembang real estate sedang mempromosikan rumah kepada seorang


Pengembang: "Rumah ini memiliki beberapa keuntungan dan kerugian."

Pembeli: "Oh ya? Saya ingin tahu dulu apa kerugiannya. "

Pengembang: "Di sebelah timur rumah ini ada tempat pembuangan sampah,

sebelah baratnya ada pabrik cuka, terus di sebelah selatannya ada pabrik

karet dan di sebelah utaranya ada tempat penampungan limbah pabrik."

Pembeli: "Kalau begitu, apa dong keuntungannya? "

Pengembang: "Keuntungannya, anda akan selalu tahu dari arah mana angin



iKainheRe said: Yehhhhh.... gue mah mending kagak nGeRti kemana anGin beRtiup.. secaRa tau kemana aRah angin beRtiup Juga g bakaLan nambah duit gue... agagagagaga ato seenggakna gada untungna... huFtt haRe gene nguRusin aRah angin.. Lah nGuRusin kuLia aJa mumed...:p


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Bantuan hanYa denGan foRwaRd emaiL!!

Tiap minimal 3 orang yang kalian kirimin imel ini, maka gadis cilik saat ini sedang sakit, di bawah ini, akan menerima sumbangan 32 $cent dari American On Line.

Terimakasih atas partisipasinya


Subject: HARUS di forward !!!!!

Subject: HARUS di forward !!!!!!

The Lord bless this girl. Amien.
Please help!

If you delete this ... you seriously don't have a heart.

Hi, I am a 29 year old father.. Me and my wif e have had a wonderful life
together. God blessed us with a child too. Our daughter's name is Rachel, and she is 10 years old.
Not long ago the doctors detected brain cancer and in her little body.

There is only one way to save her...an operation.

Sadly, we don't have enough money to pay the price. AOL and ZDNET have
agreed to help us.
The only way they can help us is this way, I send this email to you and
you send it to other people. AOL will track this email and count how many people get it. Every person who opens this email and sendsit to at least
people will give us 32 cents.
Please help us.


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Desember 02, 2008

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

Michel Gondry, dikreditkan sebagai direktur dan co-penulis dari Eternal Sunshine dari Spotless Mind, hanya sebagian bertanggung jawab untuk keberhasilan yang mencapai film. He implements a awe-inspiring blend of style to a story that is perfectly non-linear. Ia menerapkan sebuah rasa hormat paduan gaya untuk sebuah cerita yang sangat non-linear. But then there is also the madman genius of the current screen writing plane- Charlie Kaufman- who has written three of the most ingenious, funny, and human of "little" Hollywood movies (Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind). Tetapi kemudian ada juga orang gila genius yang aktif menulis layar pesawat-Charlie Kaufman-yang telah menulis tiga yang paling berbakat, lucu, dan dari manusia "sedikit" film-film Hollywood (Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, konfirmasi dari Dangerous Mind) . He understands, and perhaps likely experienced to a degree, what a relationship holds to- the truth, to understanding, and then when it ends, how out memory changes the relationship. Dia mengerti, dan mungkin kemungkinan mengalami sedikit banyak, apa yang memegang hubungan ke-kebenaran, untuk memahami, dan kemudian ketika berakhir, bagaimana keluar memori perubahan hubungan. Enter in the concept that makes 'Eternal Sunshine' something of a un-official science fiction film - the Lacuna corporation, led by Tom Wilkinson's character, can erase just one person out of your memory, all of the experiences that you and the significant other had. Masukkan dalam konsep yang membuat 'Eternal Sunshine' sesuatu yang tidak resmi film fiksi ilmiah - yang kekosongan korporasi, dipimpin oleh Tom Wilkinson's karakter, dapat menghapus hanya satu orang dari memori Anda, semua pengalaman yang Anda dan lainnya yang signifikan memiliki. So, when Joel (Jim Carrey) goes in to erase his memory of Clementine (Kate Winslet) after finding out she did just the same, he enters into a mind-warp. Jadi, ketika Joel (Jim Carrey) pergi ke dia menghapus memori Clementine (Kate Winslet) setelah mengetahui dia tidak hanya yang sama, dia masuk ke dalam pikiran-melengkung. He goes through memories they had, happy ones, sad ones, some that are just what makes up what you have emotionally with the one you've loved. Ia pergi melalui kenangan mereka, yang senang, sedih, yang ada hanya apa yang membuat Anda atas apa yang telah emosi satu dengan yang Anda kasihi. And sometimes, and to the behest of the assistants of Lacuna (Kirsten Dunst, Elijah Wood, Mark Ruffalo), Joel doesn't want them all to be erased. Dan kadang-kadang, dan ke perintah dari asisten dari kekosongan (Kirsten Dunst, Elijah Wood, Mark Ruffalo), Joel tidak ingin mereka semua akan terhapus.

As I mentioned, the plot is non-linear, which could've gone the wrong way if not done with skill. Seperti yang saya sebutkan, yang merupakan plot non-linear, yang mungkin telah hilang cara yang salah jika tidak dilakukan dengan keterampilan. With a film like 21 Grams, which has a talented director and cast, the non-linear structure isn't necessary. But it's an asset that the story doesn't start from A to Z. To assist Gondry with this, he has the extraordinary Ellen Kuras as DP and Valdís Óskarsdóttir, an editor from Iceland. Dengan film seperti 21 Gram, yang berbakat dan direktur cast, non-linear struktur tidak diperlukan. Tetapi ini adalah aset yang tidak kisah mulai dari A hingga Z. Untuk membantu Gondry dengan ini, ia mempunyai luar biasa Ellen Kuras sebagai DP dan Valdis Óskarsdóttir, editor dari Islandia. Their collaboration is crucial with Gondry and Kaufman (and co-writer Pierre Bismuth), as they bring all of these un-real images a real quality. Kerjasama mereka sangat penting dengan Gondry dan Kaufman (dan co-penulis Pierre bismut), karena mereka membawa semua ini sebuah gambar yang nyata-nyata berkualitas. Quite simply, there isn'ta finer example of surrealism crossbred with realism in any other American film so far this year. Cukup sederhana, ada isn'ta halus contoh surrealisme hibrida dengan realisme lain di Amerika film sejauh ini tahun ini. The usage of lights, cuts, and with the kinds of special effects not expected (ie no CGI), add to the effect it has on a viewer. Penggunaan lampu, potongan, dan dengan jenis efek khusus tidak diharapkan (yaitu tidak CGI), menambah efek pada memiliki pemirsa. That the characters of Joel and Clementine are as enveloping as they are is also a credit to Kaufman. Bahwa karakter dari Joel dan Clementine adalah sebagai enveloping sebagai mereka yang juga merupakan kredit untuk Kaufman.

But then there's one more part that completes the success of the film - the acting. Tetapi kemudian ada satu bagian yang melengkapi keberhasilan film - yang bertindak. Jim Carrey, very simply, is at his very best. Jim Carrey, sangat sederhana, adalah di terbaik. He finds a balance from certain scenes in being like people we see everyday, feeling low, not much of interest, inward. Dia menemukan keseimbangan dari beberapa adegan menjadi orang-orang seperti kita lihat sehari-hari, perasaan rendah, tidak banyak yang menarik, batin. And then when the memory erases begin, we get to see him act funny, but not like the kind of humor he brought with Ace Ventura or Dumb and Dumber. Dan apabila memori akan menghapus mulai, kita mendapatkan untuk melihat dia bertindak lucu, tetapi tidak seperti jenis humor dia dibawa dengan Ace Ventura atau bodoh dan Dumber. This is Carrey knowing this character just well enough to play off his counterpart, played by Winslet. Ini adalah melayu mengetahui karakter ini hanya cukup baik untuk bermain off-Nya pendamping, dimainkan oleh Winslet. She, meanwhile, is perhaps at her best. Dia, sementara, mungkin adalah saat terbaik. Her character is eccentric, funny, insightful, and wanting. Dia adalah karakter aneh, lucu, dipandang berarti, dan kekurangan. She pulls it off. Ia menarik keluar. As do the supporting actors. Lakukan sebagai aktor pendukung.

There's not much more I can say about this film, except to say that even after seeing it three times, I feel like I could watch it over and over and see a new shot, a new sequence, and new set of emotions tied to things. Terdapat banyak lagi saya tidak dapat berkata tentang film ini, kecuali untuk mengatakan bahwa bahkan setelah melihat tiga kali, saya merasa seperti saya dapat menonton dr atas dan melihat tembakan baru, baru urutan, dan baru set emosi terikat kepada sesuatu . It's very likely one of the great romantic comedies of the decade. Sangat mungkin salah satu yang sangat romantis Comedies dari dekade. A+ A +


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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Inside Basketball

101 Great Hoop Stories from Players, Coaches and Fans

Chicken Soup for the Soul has a slam dunk with its first sports book in years, and its first on basketball, with the Orlando Magic’s very own Pat Williams, well know author and motivational speaker. Pat has drawn on his basketball industry connections to compile great stories from on and off the court. Fans will be inspired, surprised, and amused by inside stories from well-known coaches and players, fascinating looks behind the scenes, and anecdotes from the people who make it all possible -- the fans. Some interesting words of wisdom from Pat for athletes and anyone looking for motivation are included. A slam dunk for anyone interested in competitive sports.

On Sale Date: 2/10/൨൦൦൯


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Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Cancer Book

101 Stories of Courage, Support, and Love

A support group you can hold in your hands, these intimate stories by cancer patients and their loved ones, medical professionals, clergy and friends, are a must-read for anyone affected by cancer. Writers share all their experiences -- from the initial diagnosis, to breaking the news to loved ones, to discussing the effect on home, school, and work. Stories also cover securing a medical team, living through an ever-changing self-image, the embarrassment of losing hair, and discovering a new spirituality. A bonus book -- a no-holds-barred memoir by cancer patient Elizabeth Bayer -- is bound into this volume, after the full-length Chicken Soup for the Soul book.

On Sale Date: 3/3/09


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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Twins and More

101 Stories Celebrating Double Trouble and Multiple Blessings

This is Chicken Soup’s first book about the growing world of twins and multiples. Co-author Susan M. Heim, a well regarded expert on twins with several other books on the topic, has collected stories that highlight the special bond that twins share, the joys and challenges of raising multiples, the unique circumstances of their arrival, the double trouble that twins get into, the multiple blessings of being a twin or having them in the family, and adventures in raising triplets and quadruplets, too! Twins, parents of multiples, relatives of twins, or anyone interested in twins, triples, and more, will enjoy these inspirational, humorous, and touching stories.

On Sale Date: 3/10/09


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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Power Moms

101 Stories Celebrating the Power of Choice for Stay at Home and Work from Home Moms

Wendy Walker, author of Four Wives and The Queen of Suburbia, has become the go-to media expert on women leaving the workforce to raise their families and run their homes. This book contains 101 great stories from mothers who have made the choice to stay home, or work from home, while raising their families and becoming active members of their communities. Stories from grateful husbands and children are also a fun read. These multi-tasking, high-performing women have become today’s Power Moms. Every stay-at-home and work-from-home mom will view this book as having been written just for her. Perfect for book groups, it will also contain a reader guide.

On Sale Date: 3/24/2009


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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Campus Chronicles

101 Real College Stories from Real College Students

College life can be fun, stressful, exciting, and educational in more ways than one. Campus Chronicles is a book for any current or prospective college student who wants to know what really goes on in the dorms and in the classroom. Story topics range from the academic, like studying abroad and picking majors, to partying and life choices. Read about other college students’ spring breaks, personal growth, relationships with family and significant others, Greek life, transferring schools, money woes, and alternative paths. Campus Chronicles is about growing up, making choices, learning lessons, and making the best of your last years as a student.

On Sale Date: 4/7/2009


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Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Golf Book

101 Great Stories from the Course and the Clubhouse

Golf is a sport of passion and obsession like none other, and who is better positioned to obtain the best stories from the golf industry than Golf Digest editor Max Adler and team. Chicken Soup and Golf Digest magazine have put together a great collection of personal stories that will inspire, amuse, and surprise golfers. Celebrity golfers, weekend golfers, beginners, and pros all share the best stories they’ve told at the 19th hole about good times on and off the course. Chicken Soup’s golf books have always been very successful -- with the addition of Golf Digest’s industry connections, this book should hit a hole in one.

On Sale Date: 4/21/2009


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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dads & Daughters

Stories about the Special Relationship between Fathers and Daughters

The day a girl is born, she starts a special relationship with her father. It doesn’t matter her age -- she will always be his little girl. This wide-ranging exploration of the relationship between fathers and daughters provides a new reading experience for Chicken Soup fans, with our 101 best stories written by fathers and daughters about each other, celebrating the special bond between fathers and daughters as they move through all of life’s different phases.


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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Empty Nesters

101 Stories about Surviving and Thriving When the Kids Leave Home

This book provides support during a very emotional but exciting time for parents -- sending their children off to college, new homes, or careers. It’s a must-read for empty nesters or soon-to-be empty nesters grappling with their own bittersweet new freedom. These heartfelt stories about gazing at surprisingly clean bedrooms, starting new careers, rediscovering spouses, and handling the continuing, and often humorous, needs of children, even while they are away at college or ensconced in their own apartments, will inspire, support, and amuse parents. They’ll nod their heads, cry a little, and laugh a lot, as they recognize themselves and their almost grown-up children in these stories.


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Divorce and Recovery

101 Stories about Surviving and Thriving after Divorce

Chicken Soup’s first book on divorce is wonderfully uplifting and filled with stories and poems from men and women who have been there and successfully navigated the divorce and recovery process. Heartfelt stories provide support, inspiration, and humor on all the phases of divorce, including the initial shock of the decision, the logistics of living through it, the inevitable self-discovery, and the new world of dating and even remarriage. Readers turn to Chicken Soup during the good times and the bad, and this book is a long overdue addition, created for the millions of divorced and divorcing men and women across the world.


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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Teens Talk Getting In... to College

101 True Stories from Kids Who Have Lived Through It

These days, colleges are deluged with applications, and the application process has become something traumatic that students and parents experience together. This book isn’t about how to get into college -- it’s about providing emotional, not tactical, support. The stories in this book are written by kids who have been there and want to pass on their words of support to the kids about to go through the whole ordeal. Story topics include parental and peer pressure, the stress of grades and standardized tests, applications and interviews, recruiting, disappointments, and successes. Parents and students alike will find Getting In... to College a great source of inspiration.


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Teens Talk High School

101 Stories of Life, Love, and Learning for Older Teens
This book focuses on issues specific to high school age kids, ages fourteen to eighteen. Teens in high school have mainly moved past worrying about puberty and cliques, so stories in this book cover topics of interest to older teens such as sports and clubs, religion and faith, driving, curfews, growing up, self-image and self-acceptance, dating and sex, family relationships, friends, divorce, illness, death, pregnancy, drinking, failure, and preparing for life after high school. High school students will find comfort and inspiration in the words of this book, referring to it through all four years of their high school experience, like a portable support group.


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Teens Talk Middle School

101 Stories of Life, Love, and Learning for Younger Teens

Almost everyone hated middle school. It’s a very tough time for adolescents. This “support group in a book” is specifically geared to younger teens -- the ones still worrying about puberty, cliques, discovering the opposite sex, and figuring out who they are. Meant for middle school students ages eleven to fourteen, stories cover regrets and lessons learned, love and “like,” popularity, friendship, tough issues such as divorce, illness, and death, failure and rising above it, embarrassing moments, bullying, and finding something you’re passionate about. The stories provide emotional support, humor, and inspiration for the young teens making their way through the tumultuous middle school years.


:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Resolution

101 Heartwarming, Healthful, and Humorous Resolutions... and how they turned out!

Everyone makes resolutions -- for New Year’s, for big birthdays, for new school years. In fact, most of us are so good at resolutions that we make the same ones year after year. This book is an uplifting look at those resolutions. Why did we make them? How did they turn out? What did we learn? Stories talk about readers who learned to be proud of who they are, what they achieved, and what they know they can achieve going forward. This collection of great true stories covers topics such as losing weight, getting organized, stopping bad habits, restoring relationships, dealing with substance abuse, and changing jobs.


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