weLCome to iKainheRe's hOmepaGe

Open youR mind and iMpROve youR LiFe............
Get infoRmation about aLL heRe.

oPen YouR minD

Jika diRimu tak mampu menJadi beRingin, yanG teGak di kaki bukit,
JadiLah saJa beLukaR yanG teRbaik, yanG tumbuh di tepi danau . . . . .
Jika diRimu tak sanGGup menJadi beLukaR, JadiLah saJa Rumput,
tetapi Rumput yanG mempeRkuat tanGGuL, di pinGGiRan JaLan . . . .
Jika diRimu tak mampu menJadi JaLan Raya, JadiLah saJa JaLan setapak,
tetapi JaLan setapak yanG membawa oRanG ke mata aiR . . .
tidak semua menJadi kapten
tentu haRus aDa awak kapaLnYa . . .
JadiLah saJa diRimu .......... be yOuR seLf..
sebaik-baik daRi diRimu sendiRi ^_^

iKainheRe Tells About Her Self

Kenalin, gw Ika. iKainheRe Just the same with another women. iKainheRe
Hanya ajja gw suka banget bikin orang senyum, ketawa, dengan hidangan yang gw suguhkan.
Gw sangat menghargai preferen, pendapat, masukan, kritikan, tapi bukan menjudge. iKainheRe
iKainheReJust be my self. Dengan style, brave life, color friends, and dunia gw.iKainheRe
iKainheRe Menjadi seorang penulis yang brave, eksis, dan stylish itu gga gampang, semua dari nol. Contemplative comedy gw pilih buat mewakili apa yang pengen gw sampaikan.
Komedi selalu bisa mengungkapkan apa yang tak bisa kita pahami. iKainheRe
Seperti kata Moliere, “The duty of comedy is to correct men by amusing them.” iKainheRe
Banyak orang yang bilang, penulis yang baik adalah penulis yang punya referensi yang banyak, menurut gw itu bener. Banyak-banyaklah nonton film dan baca buku.
Penulis yang baik juga akan selalu mengadopsi dan mempelajari, tapi tidak pernah mencuri.iKainheRe
Mudah-mudahan gw bisa iKainheRe

September 08, 2011

Coffee Jazz [CHAPTER 1]

[PART 1]

Here I am, with a cup of warm capuccino float. I didn't touch it till now. A boy and a girl there made me wanna follow them. He is seeing a girl whom sitting in front of her laptop in the corner of this longue. Her beautiful eyes shine love. I sure that. Everybody see then they also would know that love shine from its. Its so familiar for me because that kind of shine also was mine of my x'girlfriend.

The girl, made he wanna come to and say hi. He just wanna. No reason. Now he is standing, with his cup of cappucino float, near the beauty girl,

"may I join?"

The girl up her head and seeing who talk with her.


A short answer given, made he gives his right hand, "I am Mezza. Mezza El-Chienne,"

"Luna. Luna Chastivyra,"

The girl replied, not with her hand but with her little smile, I don't know what she said but seems she told him her name. After that, she back to looking at her laptop. Seems she is typing something. She didn't say anything after told him her name. Just Mezza sitted in front of her just now. He is silent, look at the girl.

"busy?" Mezza said,

The girl is not answering, she just little smiling with still looking at her laptop, then continue typing.

"seems looks so interseting," Mezza asked after sometimes.

"what?" the girl is looking at him.

Oh... the girl said "what" in my language, swear I was't know that she could undertand my language. If you see her, I sure you also would thought the girl came from other country. Seems Mezza also did.

"your activity," Mezza said. "wow anyway you could speak my language... I thought you..." he didn't continue his sentences because the girl responed,

"oh, yes I could" the girl continue, "typing. I am typing," still with my language.

Ah. So cold girl she is. I sure Mezza know that she is typing. But what typing is it that he wanna know. Right now their conversation is in my language.



"yah sorry but I am not no welcome to you... I just..."

"oh its ok."

"I just... just like in the ground of the sea."

"what?" Mezza stares deep into the girl

"since yesterday. how your feel when you are in the ground of the sea?" the girl asked seriously.

"dark... hard breathing... because you would feel something hit your chest which is make you hard breathing with the most minimum oxygen there. feel so cold too... hard moving your body... feel so weak.. that your feel?" Mezza answered

"exactly!" she is looking at Mezza with not-believe-stare-eyes.

"my x'girlfriend ever told me that,"


"yah, was she tell me, 'I am in the ground of the sea' then she told me that I told you about how the feeling in the ground of the sea...."


Just that came from her as answer. I know sure that the girl also could see a wet eyes of Mezza. Ya, Mezza's eyes wet. The tears sparkling, maybe wanna fall right now.

"sorry what happened," the girl asking

"just missing her..."

"where is she"

"she... is no longer in this world.. she... she leave me forever three years ago,"

"oh sorry..." I know the girl spechless. So do I. But Mezza is continuing,

"do you know your eyes... was her mine. your voice after we talked, I sure that also was her mine. then you talked about ground of the sea... totally I remembered her just now. since first time I saw her, I couldn't see other girl. all in her, made me couldn't see other girl, until now,"

A bip came from my laptop. Right now I got an email. I am checking.

Thank u for ur spirit. I knw ma life is precious 'cause I hv friends such kind of u. Thank u fr knew ur place. U knw all, I told u all. Um sorry if I just can say thanks. But um really thanks for this. Thanks fr remind me to be forceful gal then um to be. Thanks for told me tat um great, tat um strong, thanks for removed ma tears. I love him, n u rite tat I must be strong. Now um hea, in his country, ur country too na. Um in Dhaka. I knw u thr, in different city. Sorry jst tell u rite nw. I jst arrived this afternoon. I even didn't told him tat um wanna come hea. I jst gonna meet him this nite.

That email, from my friend. She is most strong girl that I ever know. No other could be like her I sure. Her love is so strong. I am not remember how much boy that I knew they propose her but no one could take a place on it even just little. She never give other place and chance to them to do. Her life, heart, mind, and soul, is just given for his boyfriend. That what made me wanna always be beside her. To make her always strong, make her keep standing, remind her to still keep breathing, everytime she felt she fall. I have not meet her yet, I do not know her face yet, but I could imagine she is a nice girl.

I am replying the email,

Wew. I am in Dhaka. Came from Khulna last night. Where are you?

I am waiting her reply. I am seeing Mezza, tears falling down in his cheek.

"I am sorry to hear that," the girl said.

"I am sorry but I won't make you mind this, sorry I told you this all," Mezza said then drink his cappucino float.

"Its ok.. nice to meet you," the girl said then she is looking at her laptop again, then she is typing.

I thought she finished typing because she is now looking at Mezza, about two seconds, then move slowly her head to see other side of this room. She is seeing the big aquarium. She silent for sometimes before say,

"giving up doesn't always mean you are weak. sometimes it means that you are strong enaugh to let go. are you think so?" she now looking at Mezza.

Mezza is smiling, "don't ever give uup if you still want to try, don''t ever wipe your tears if you still want to cry. don't ever settle for an answer if you still want to know. don't ever say you don't love him if you can't let him go..."

I could see that the girl is taking long breathe after hear what Mezza said.

"we enjoy warmth because we have been cold. we appreciate light because we have been in darkness. by the same token, we could experience joy because we have known sadness," the girl continue, "seems you still not let her go,"

"to find a girl just like him your chances are so few. my eyes sore from crying. within her, I lose my self," Mezza said.

"but without her, you find yourself wanting to be lost again, aren't you?"

"you all right,"

What are they talking made me didn't see that I got new email. Again from her.

um in Radison. lounge. with purple cloths grey jeans. only me with. find me.

Just one second after read I know the girl in front of Mezza, is she... Luna... my close friend.....

iKainheRe:::: tHe fRienDLy kinDLy cHeeRy giRL ::::

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